If you were confronted with a newly-diagnosed diabetic (of any type) and you could, for some inexplicable reason, only give them one piece of advice that could be encapsulated in one sentence, what would your advice be?
*Online Community of People with Diabetes (euphemism for Shoot Up); though also having Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder should make things easier: all those strings of finicky details which you have to pull, daily chances of achieving that perfect 5, and you’re allowed to hoard a huge caboodle of crap/kit…welcome to paradise!
You could of course be really evil and say” Don’t believe what the docs say eat what you want, when you want and don’t worry about injecting/taking tablets every day, a b/s reading of 15+ is brilliant!”
But Rohan we are your friends. You can ask us anything and the answer’s will be sarcastic, exceedingly funny or down right lies! Best way to be really. Love to all my fellow SUorPU friends
Just say what I was asked by 40 year old woman at the local job centre after being rushed into hospital at 2am and released later that morning, when I was out of work years ago “WHEN ARE YOU GONNA GET BETTER THEN?” !!!!