As I’ve endlessly banged on about on your soaraway Shoot Up’s social media channels; I’m getting a new pump this week. Medtronic’s 640G no less.
The thing itself arrived yesterday and I spent an enjoyable (I define “enjoyable” quite widely in this context) evening reading the manual and programming my many and ;
It kills me to say it but it really is quite interesting to see that. I never really get to see other peoples’ basal patterns. That’s an impressive range you have there, far bigger than mine – my lowest rate is 1.05 overnight and my highest 1.55 in the evening.
Interestingly 4-5pm is the hypo witching hour for me too. Basal fiddling sorts it to a degree but never completely. Smartguard on the 640G with CGM is brilliant for that, it kicks in fairly often to prevent lows at that time (whereas if I just reduce my basal I end up high half the time as the lows don’t happen every day).
I’ve also thought about tweaking my ratios at lunchtime – perhaps that’s a cause of the dip? I need to experiment really; but life sometimes seems a little short.
Because I found it strangely interesting to compare basal patterns and see how different they are, here are mine:
00:00-07:30 1.05
07:30-14:00 1.45
14:00-18:00 1.40
18:00-00:00 1.55
Yours are really boring Alison!
You want interesting? Now here, is interesting (for a given value of interesting):
Time Basal 1 Basal 2
0-1 0.71 0.71
1-2 0.77 0.77
2-3 0.54 0.54
3-5 0.51 0.51
5-6 0.56 0.56
6-7 0.90 0.62
7-8 0.96 0.62
8-9 1.00 0.75
9-10 1.15 0.95
10-12 0.80 0.70
12-13 0.95 0.75
13-14 1.20 0.95
14-15 0.85 0.60
15-126 0.66 0.50
16-17 0.55 0.55
17-18 0.70 0.70
18-19 1.20 1.20
19-20 0.85 0.85
20-21 0.50 0.50
21-22 0.58 0.58
22-24 0.60 0.60
(Basal 1 is for work days, basal 2 is for non work days).
How I would love as smooth as basal curve as you, Alison! Even yours, Tim, are more regular than mine are. And I have basal tested them to death, and that’s where they are.
I’ve graphed both your basals and added them to the original article for general interest – I guess given you’d posted them in the comments you wouldn’t mind the unwashed masses pouring over them.
No worries – good for others to see how different everyone is 🙂
It is quite interesting, isn’t it? If we get any more I might do some cool graphy things to compare and contrast.
I’m in! Your rates all look too lofty, and your boluses too tiny. Here’s one for the more basally challenged/mega-bolusers:
0000 .500
0400 .550
0630 .750
0730 .850
0930 .650
1530 .600
1700 .700
2200 .500
Cheers Mike – graphed and added. These are all on different scales though making comparison really awful.
That’s really interesting to see. Sorry mine are so dull.
What are people’s bolus v basal percentages? Mine is 52% bolus v 48% basal.
Basal 60% bolus 40%. Interesting to note that the basals put up here all have a dip at 4pm. What is happening at 6pm across the country to make us all need less basal?
Basal 39%, bolus 61% – interesting.
Almost always 40% basal vs 60% bolus. Always were on MDI too.
That’s the article updated with a new chart with everyone’s basal rates on the same scale. If you too want to join in the fun then post your basal’s here (or email me at tim@shootuporputup.co.uk and I’ll add them anonymously if you prefer)
Oooh Data! I love comparing data! Here’s mine (please note I am apparently weird and a bit backward according to my hospital…):
Basal 1:
00 – 02 0.75
02 – 04 1.4
04 – 06 0.75
06 – 08 1.1
08 – 11 1.2
11 – 14 1.9
14 – 16 1.1
16 – 19 0.8
19 – 21 1.4
21 – 00 0.55
Basal 2:
00 – 02 1.3
04 – 06 1.4
06 – 08 1.2
08 – 11 1.4
11 – 14 2.9
14 – 16 1.5
16 – 19 1.0
19 – 21 1.9
21 – 00 0.65
(Basal one vs basal two are for different parts of my cycle – huge difference!)
Thanks Angie – duly added to the graph!
I love numbers, graphs and other people’s vastly different usage.
I love this thread! Tim, your profile has to be the most pump suited.
Mine’s fairly flat but it works for me (sometimes):
Average basal 44% to 56% bolus.
00:00 – 06:30 0.475
06:30 – 08:00 0.500
08:00 – 09:00 0.550
09:00 – 13:00 0.600
13:00 – 17:30 0.575
17:30 – 21:00 0.550
21:00 – 22:30 0.525
22:30 – 00:00 0.500
Lovely – I’ve added them to the graph Dave. Yours are quite dull – but at least they were quite quick to type into Excel!