As a somewhat lax lancet changer, a new year is always a trigger for me to change a lancet. There’d be nothing worse than starting 2011 with a blunt finger poker.
With that, I’ll offer you the now traditional (well we did it last year too) ShootUp new year greeting…
Happy New Lancet to you all.
I’m getting over concious in my old age, I change them every six stabs as per the multiclix mantra, but never the less, happy new lancet!
Hurrah! So I only have to replace my Clix’s Multi every 6 years…blunt bottoms up 😀
Happy New Year to all.. I went for broke with both a new lancet and a new needle.. I know, spoilt myself!
Here’s to 2011 everyone..
Happy New Year to all as well. But hey wait a shiny new lancet? Mine are plastic… Am I missing shiny ones?? I tend to replace when I can’t find them in my meter bag.Ooops
i change mine as little as possible, a new one hurts and doesn’t stop bleeding for ages. happy new lancet
And a happy new lancet to you co-writer!
In other news, my first BG of the year was a pleasing 7.5 – pleasing after the astonishing amount of drink we consumed last night…!
Mine was 3.4 – even after having gone to bed early with a bad cold 🙁 Which my bgs didnt pick up on (no usual rise to indicate something was on its way).
But I change my lancet every time (or rather every 6 times – its a multiclix 6 lancet drum like Stephen’s)
So for all you multi-users, Happy New Lancet! And for all you others like me, Happy Obsessiveness!
Trust a gnomish old T2 to put a damper on things; I use a new lancet every stab, and the same for needles. Whilst you’re all congratulating yourselves on excellent BG readings, I’m having so much difficulty getting mine down I’m having to add a 50% booster to my Lantus dose every morning, and the same for the Novo-Rapid dosage at mealtimes, up 50%. I don’t know about enough insulin to kill an ox, I’m shooting up so much it could probably kill an aurochs! 😛