Swearing on the blog

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    • #9823

      I mentioned in an earlier comment that swearing on the blog was fine by me. However, I’m throwing it open to the floor – are we all grown up enough to have a few swear words or does anyone actually get offended? Comments please!

    • #10436
      Hairy Gnome

      Not too bothered by swearing, but there’s sense and reason in everything isn’t there? It’s just that sometimes I’m neither sensible or reasonable, and for that I apologise.

    • #10437

      No need to apologise, matey; I posted this as I’m curious as to what people think. Those who have met me in person know that I have a potty-mouth :-) , so swearing clearly doesn’t bother me; but if the majority of readers hate it then I’ll discourage it. No more, no less!

    • #10438
      Hairy Gnome

      To be honest, after sixteen years as an LGV driver I could’ve made a sailor blush, but old age must have mellowed me as I rarely swear now. Your last post seems eminently sensible to me, but then, you’re an eminently sensible fellow! :D

    • #10439

      I grew up in the East end of Glasgow, so swearing is absolutely fine by me! ;) I do appreciate, though, that not everyone feels the same. My general opinion of swearing on the blog is that it’s not really an issue, and I think we’re all mature enough that if someone is offended, then they would speak up.

      Now that I’ve said we’re all mature I feel a sudden urge to stick out my tongue or start a food fight or something…

    • #10441

      @angie: As long as you don’t throw peas… or should I say pisses, now that we have license to let our verbal boils burst open.

      @tim: You are welcome to spill some poop from your potty-mouth now and then, but I really think you’re a poepkop for using the word “cool” so copiously – it should be ceremoniously incinerated !&;-)

      (note to self: stop alliterating…asshole!)

    • #10443
      Annette A

      I’m a Yorkshire lass, I call a spade a fucking spade, and don’t get offended by anyone else doing the same.
      I only get irritated by people who think they look ‘cool’ (sorry, @ckoei) by swearing for the sake of it. It’s not cool, it’s pathetic.

    • #10446

      I don’t mind a well-placed obscenity, provided it adds value. Many people just throw in expletives at random, making them merely distractions that don’t move the conversation forward at all. A good curse is an art form.

    • #10447

      Goodness – I think we have a consensus! Cool! ;-)

    • #10452

      @tim & (@jay451): Smart(jack)ass!

      @annette: Shun’t “fucking spade” be “fookin’ spittle”?

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