Well, this week I had my annual diabetic MOT up at the Royal Infirmary. Sadly, for ghoulish readers, there’s nothing much to report. Everything is going fine, no limbs have rotted off, I can still see and hypo awareness is good. Even the goldfish in the fish-tank in the reception area were looking good – no fin rot, white eye or anything.
After the regulation armful of blood was taken by a very pleasant, chatty nurse and a bladder-full of pee donated (eugh!), I sat down in reception and read my book for a bit before being summoned by the Prof. for my annual review proper.
As expected, everything was fine with my HbA1C clocking in at a very satisfactory 6.7% (feel free to bathe in my munificent glory, you know you want to!) We had a brief discussion about a better way of avoiding hypos at the weekend (which tends to be a bad hypo time for me) and then the rest of session chatting about this and that, with me plugging my web site and the Prof. plugging his (www.hypodiab.com – a great resource if you want incredibly in-depth information about hypoglycemia).
So, all in all, a good time was had by all. This is how the annual MOT should be.
You are obviously a diabetes god, I shall eat a green fruit pastille in your honour and offer you my sincere congratulations!
Thanks m’colleague. I prefer red Fruit Pastilles to green.
@Tim You’ll need to do better than 6.7 if you want a choice of fruit pastille colour, I don’t offer that for anything above 6.5.
Congrats and a bow directed to the Diabetes God!! Will buy you a beer to celebrate!
@mikeinspain – Do the Swiss do good beer?
I’m told it is the French part of Switzerland if that helps, so I have absolutely no idea whatsoever, but am certainly wiling to find out! 🙂
It’s just round the lake from Geneva, but I think extensive research into their beers is very, very important
@Tim – Smarmy git! I got 15.9 mmol/l on my meter today, I’m losing my grip, I’m depressed about it and nursie will shout at me! (Whinge… sob… sniffle…)
@teloz – he he he! “Smary git” is exactly right! Though I get high readings all the time (in fact my good result disguises a whole bunch of highs and lows, which average out to a nice reading) so it’s not all good.
@tim: I’m afraid 6.7 isn’t munificent enough to bathe in…for that you need something far beyond 10 (though I have to say, to me, honey-sweet urine has about the ablutionary allure of asinine milk)
I’m just impressed that the Royal has a fish tank in reception! The Western has nothing so grand, just other patients.
@Cecile – If I had to make a choice between the two, it would have to be the asses’ milk, in truth though, I’d rather go un-bathed… 😉
There’s a largish plant at Rugby St Cross…
At Barts you get a tv on which to watch inspirational shows like bargain hunt…
Hmm, I think this is deserving of its own thread on the forums…and lo!: