Tag Archives: politics

Scottish Parliament debates insulin pumps

The thrill-seekers amongst us will be delighted to be informed that the provision of insulin pumps in Scotland was debated in the Scottish Parliament last week, in a motion introduced by David Stewart MSP (I never knew he got into politics after Eurythmics split up…) The Parliament’s full report can be found here: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/officialReports/meetingsParliament/or-09/sor0903-02.htm#Col19328 For… Read More »

Dealing with the downturn

To coincide with their annual conference in Liverpool last week, the NHS Confederation published an interesting assessment of the potential economic trauma facing the NHS in coming years and how they might like to deal with it. The report estimates that NHS finance is likely to reduce by around £8-10 billion in real terms in… Read More »

Elections, the effective cure-all

As the excitement of the European elections hits the UK (what do you mean you hadn’t noticed?) it got me thinking about my favourite 4-yearly event. A general election. I’m not particularly interested in party politics but general elections are something to look forward to from a diabetes point of view. Why? Well whenever there’s… Read More »

Scottish diabetes consultation

Diabetes UK are currently running a consultation on diabetes care in sunny Scotland, so any lovely readers from north of the border might be interested in completing the survey here: http://www.diabetes.org.uk/In_Your_Area/Scotland/Diabetes_in_Scotland/Better-diabetes-care–survey/ I think there’s a chance you could win a Wii, so it might be worth doing it for that alone!