I was floating along quite nicely since I visited the DSN on Thursday and felt like a diabetic genius. However, I have angered the Diabetic Gods in some way as I’m having quite random blips, that seem to require bucket fulls of insulin to lower it by a mmol, even though it’s only 11.4 hmmmm. I quite liked being a genius, and want it back.
What is the best thing to sacrifice? My boyfriend suggested the cat’s vocal chords so he doesn’t wake us up at 5.30am every morning, but I’m not sure if this will be enough?
Ooh, I had a major blip last night – 15.5 after a gym visit. WTF happened there? Set still intact, cannula still fine, correction dose sent me down to 3.7 within 2 hours. So I would appear to have been throwing things at the gods as well, although I sure as hell dont remember doing it…
I’m thinking a fire fuelled with syrup and treacle and cream cakes and sticky badness (but would that be for highs or lows?)
And next door’s noisy kids on top…
I think it really depends on whether you consider the Diabetic Gods are angry, vengeful gods or benign, nice gods. If the former, then I would go for an evil looking, pentagram wearing goat; if the latter, then I suggest offering a cup cakes to them.
Though TBH, never mind the vocal chords, I would just sacrifice the cat!
The keys to your suitcase full of Kit Kats? According to @tim, these gods are called Susan & Anthony, so they’re most likely sensible English who’d be grateful for a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit…though I think the Christian tradition does piss them off – I’ve angered them twice now with hot cross buns
Sadly, on some occasions it’s my sense of humour that is sacrificed, often to be replaced by childish tantrums. It’s a good sacrificial offering though as it always returns unscathed, unlike the poor goat.
I think I may have angered the gods recently too, maybe there’s something in the air? Though I suppose my stress levels may have shot way up – though I feel happier now, I have committed myself to starting work over 100 miles away with nowhere to live yet…
This sacrifice of tea cakes and tea to appease Susan and Anthony sounds like an idea worth trying at any rate – I guess that’s tomorrow afternoon dealt with! Do think they’ll mind if I incorporate catching up on F1 practice at the same time?!
On the topic of bellys: Is it just me that has a strange mix of feelings about theirs? Some days I look and think ‘OH NO! I’m looking a bit thin – injections might get more painful’. Other days I look and think ‘OH NO! I’m looking a bit fat, maybe I should (try to) work that off’.
Or maybe I should just get over it?
I’ve found Rohan that the older one gets ones tends to worry a little more about getting fatter. All that eating cake and watching F1 catches up on you!
Butbutbut! Cake and motor racing go so well together, how could they possibly be wrong? Even the diabetic gods approve?! I think I may be on shaky ground here, I’m going to start the slow slide back to safety… *checks glucose* Time for a walk!
Motor racing goes well with beer. And Southern Comfort. As do motor cycle racing, football, Emmerdale, Judge Judy, Jeremy Kyle ….. and even I’m sure The Magic Roundabout if only I could find it being repeatee somewhere in the mass of channels now availabe.
I don’t know about cake and motor racing, I’m still having problems with the image of @Alison laying on the floor in the supermarket, kicking and screaming…
@Teloz Where I can I do try to have my tantrums in the privacy of my own home rather than the supermarket. It’s less embarassing for all concerned that way
@ladyupnorth – Dougal and the Blue Cat (the original, and excellent, Magic Roundabout movie) definitely goes well with alcohol! I believe I actually watched it one New Years… What an exciting life I lead!
I’ve decided to build a shrine to Susan and Anthony in my garden, I will make regular offerings of food and drink, and burn the occasional cat or dog when the neighbours aren’t looking. Maybe that will help… 😈