We’ve done it. We’ve broken the curse of the ShootUp meet up.
Tim and I live several hundred miles apart, so we only get to see each other a couple of times a year at most. Whenever Geoff and I meet Tim and the lovely Katie we have a great time. But we have to limit these occasions because they are dangerous to our health. History has proven that if you stick two co-writers in the same city for a while, one of them will always go hypo while the other will end up outrageously high.
Until now. Tim and Katie came down to sunny Liverpool for the latest ShootUp meet up, and even with some dreaded pasta and liberal quantities of beer, wine, and port – the now traditional drink of ShootUp – all was fine. No emergency fruit pastilles were consumed, and never once did either of us hit kidney fryingly high territory. The curse is broken, it appears we can meet without diabetes Armageddon occurring.
Aside from that revelation, it was marvellous to spend some time chatting about diabetes stuff over a drink or three. With people round the table who’d been diagnosed anywhere between 8 months and several decades it was a great mix of experiences. Inbetween the chat, we proved to be very skilled at fruit pastille ;
Sounds like an excellent night. Sorry again we couldn’t be there.
Although looking at the picture my FPs might have been a little embarrassed as the packet is always squashed and often split after being in my pocket for a day.
I must confess, I did dig out some new fruit pastilles for the occasion and kept them in top condition in my coat pocket so I didn’t have to subject the world to my usually mangled packs from my jeans. @Tim had beautiful fruit pastilles though, safely stored in his http://www.stripykat.com manbag.
Nice linkage there Alison – very subtle 😉
Interesting. So the http://www.stripykatneverendingplug.com did the job then? Hmm I’ll have to look into that.
There have to be *some* benefits to running this blog; and promoting my wife’s wonderful business is one of the few! 🙂
Hurrah! The curse is broken – I feel like the Ancient Mariner after the albatross has fallen from his neck. Or something like that.
Thanks Alison and Geoff once again for looking after us so well and it was lovely to meet more people from Shootup.
Love the link Alison :0) thanks
Oh sorry… are you all still feeling a little delicate?
Glad you all had a great time! I must admit that I am a little disappointed at the newness and most likely the freshness of said Fruit Pastilles.. 🙂
It was great to meet some Shoot Up folk IRL. The conversation flowed, everyone was really friendly, and thanks again for the invite – I had a wonderful time.
Obviously, the curse was brought on by the proximity of previous meets to the North Pole. @alison, being unused to the greater magnetic force, will have had her control affected, and this, in its turn, will have affected @tim (its like bad moods being contagious, don’cha know…).
So the permanent cure is obvious – @alison needs to remain south of the border, and hold all meetups in the vicintiy of Liverpool or further south. Or go more regularly to the upper reaches of the Earth latitudinal system, in order to train her system to accept magnetic flux as normal.
So obvious @Annette, I can’t believe we didn’t think of that earlier 🙂