Treatment for complications

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    • #6037
      Annette A

      Just been told I have maculopathy, and have to have OCT (tests?) to see if I need laser. I know nothing about OCT, except I think its like retinal photography but more so, and was wondering if anyone else did/has had it/can warn me what to expect?
      Also maybe for other complications – what treatments have had people had (eg I know there are several people on here who have had laser) and what experiences/aftereffects etc?

    • #8394

      I remember this blog bit as far as OCT goes…seeing that diabetically speaking, I’m still a teenager, my retinas (as yet) remain unscathed. I did manage to walk about with (now) glaringly obvious symptoms of hyperglycaemia for more than a year prior to diagnosis (the thirst I had then has since only reappeared when I’ve been above 20 for longer than a day), so in 1995, I’ve had to have my cataracted lenses hoovered out and replaced with plastic ones, and was put on imipramine for burning feet (compliments of neuropathy). Nothing as bloody awful* as retinopathy, though ;)

      *the general anaesthetic injection (given prior to the lens extraction) perforated a vein and did leave me with a face resembling something that had been slapped by a mulberry bush :D

    • #8401
      Hairy Gnome

      @annette and @ckoei – I’m really sorry about your eye problems, I can’t think of anything worse as I can’t stand having my eyes messed with by anyone; I even loathe having them tested. I’ve been lucky in one way as my neuropathy hasn’t touched my eyes or kidneys so far, I can cope with my feet turning into turnips with skin like a lizard, and the other damage to my nervous system, but the thought of eye problems terrifies me. I sincerely hope everything goes well for you.

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