one for the men…

Home Forums Living with type one one for the men…

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    • #10131

      Well women as well, but most of you seem to get on well with bra clips.

      To give myself a break from a shoulder holder for the pump I bought the diabetic spibelt & am surprisingly satisfied.

      It’s tight & stays in place during the day but feels comfortable & I seem to forget that I’m wearing it, its not visible that you’ve got a pump on which was a big problem for me.

      The button hole on mine isn’t sewn well & is a bit tight to get the loer lock through, only one button hole – it needs 4 for flexibility in wearing it with different canula locations. The first day I wore it I had the tubing under the belt to stop the tubing moving around (which annoys me) & my blood sugar went high – the belts tight enough to slow/stop basal delivery without triggering a pump alarm….
      And the worst, It’s not available I’m stripykat branding! ;-)

    • #14401

      Is it one of these things: ? I use an exclusive stripykat ( – ideal Christmas presents y’all!) pump holder which hooks onto my belt; but it’s not entirely ideal for going out cycling. I tend to sort of tuck it into my trousers, which sort of works but doesn’t really give me an elegant silhouette.

    • #14406

      That’s the site, there’s a UK distributer (& amazon) but I won’t give them a plug, they’re not hard to find!

      All of them are usable for pumps but they have a special diabetic (or medical) version which has the button hole rather than poking the set through the zip.

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