Well chaps, it’s that time of year again – World Diabetes Day. It’s like a diabetic Christmas, Yom Kippur and Eid-ul-Fitr all rolled into one. If you don’t already know everything about it you can check out the WDD
My esteemed co-writer has already mentioned some things you might want to do; but I for one, being a huge and active supporter of diabetes causes *cough* will be spending the day tinkering in the garage, going to do nice birthday-related things with my wife and then traipsing to the pub to drink wine with our friends in the evening. Go me – diabetes campaigner supreme!
Call yourself a diabetic? You should be ashamed of yourself 😉 Happy tinkering and happy birthday to Katie
@Alison Disgraceful isn’t it? I am ashamed of myself…
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Tim…. [shaking my head]….
Eh, I don’t have anything planned for WDD either. Except the Big Blue Test at 2pm my time.
Enjoy tinkering and partying! 😉 Ha.
Hey, living your life is the ultimate campaign!
I always do! 😀
@kassie He he! Yes, I suppose it is.
@kassie I like that one, I must remember that 🙂