Fabio Calabria is Australian. He’s also a massively talented professional cyclist and top athlete. He’s won the King of the Mountains Classification in the De Bortoli Tour and the New Zealand Road Championships in addition to a whole range of high-profile competitions.
He also has type one diabetes and is a member of Team Type 1 Men Professional Cycling squad.
Team Type 1 are great. They aim to instil hope and inspiration for people around the world affected by diabetes and they believe that with appropriate diet, exercise, treatment and technology, anyone with diabetes can achieve their dreams. This sort of stuff gets a big thumbs up from Shoot Up!
Team Type 1 are aiming high with the aim of competing in the Giro d’Italia and Tour de France in the next few years – competitions which even non-cycling fans will have heard of.
Fabio has agreed to take time out from his busy racing schedule to give an interview to Shoot Up. So in time-honoured tradition, here’s your chance to put your questions to Fabio. Add them in the thread below and I will pick the best ones to ask.
In my view (and I might be biased here as I love cycling) professional cycling is the hardest endurance sport out there. Just how on earth do you manage to do it professionally with diabetes?
In my view (and I might be biased here as I love cycling) professional cycling is the hardest endurance sport out there. Just how on earth do you manage to do it professionally with diabetes?
Is Team Type 1 going to compete in a mega race like the Giro or Tour de France sometime soon? If so, what are the prospects of having a type one stage winner?
Is Team Type 1 going to compete in a mega race like the Giro or Tour de France sometime soon? If so, what are the prospects of having a type one stage winner?
Does having diabetes and therefore having to look after your diet, health and fitness very, very carefully actually give you an advantage over non-diabetic competitors?
Does having diabetes and therefore having to look after your diet, health and fitness very, very carefully actually give you an advantage over non-diabetic competitors?
Team Type 1 has people from all over the world in it – do see any noticable differences in how people from different countries tackle the diabetes and sport challenge?
Team Type 1 has people from all over the world in it – do see any noticable differences in how people from different countries tackle the diabetes and sport challenge?
(Sorry, techie questions) What type of bike do you ride in races? Do you mountain bike or just road race? Do you attach CGM to your handlebars (if you CGM that is)?
(Sorry, techie questions) What type of bike do you ride in races? Do you mountain bike or just road race? Do you attach CGM to your handlebars (if you CGM that is)?
Thanks for the questions. I’ve also got a whole bunch via email (some people are simply too shy to sign up for an account …) and so I will compile them and put them to Fabio.
Thanks for the questions. I’ve also got a whole bunch via email (some people are simply too shy to sign up for an account …) and so I will compile them and put them to Fabio.