Diabetes Advocacy in the strangest of places…

Home Forums Living with type one Diabetes Advocacy in the strangest of places…

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    • #10062
      Annette A

      Yesterday I was in a high street bank, opening a new account. As it was a bank I hadnt used before, they wanted to do a ‘quick review’ (read: life history in an instant), which lead to discussion about, amongst other things, why diabetics can find it hard to get a reasonable quote for life insurance, and what my pump was and how it worked.
      Now I expect to have to tell friends, family and work colleagues about diabetes and all that goes with it (if given a chance), but I never thought I’d be doing the same with my bank manager…
      Any other odd instances of spreading the word?

    • #13825

      I’m a member of an Internet book swap thingy – it’s cheap way of getting lots of almost free books. One person I was doing a swap with was very late with his swap and he emailed to say he was being running behind as he had just been diagnosed with Type One.

      Much advice & support flowed back and forth via email!

    • #13826

      I disclosed that I was carrying needles when checking in for a flight once. The guy checking me in had a diabetic son. He upgraded me to business class because he said diabetics deserve a treat!

    • #13830

      Ha ha @alison Result!

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