Diabetes events

By | 22 September, 2009
Delicious beer, yesterday

Delicious beer, yesterday

It is with ill-disguised excitement that I’m overwhelming proud to announce your soaraway Shoot Up’s new diabetic events calendar! Woo!

Over on the right hand side of the page (and by clicking here) you can see every diabetes-related event happening in the UK, as long as:

a) we’ve been told about it
b) we’ve bothered to add it to said calendar

If you want to tell us about an event you can have a look at the guidelines (such as they are) and then drop us an email to either of us or to our fancy-pants new email address events@shootuporputup.co.uk.

If that weren’t thrilling enough (readers with a fragile disposition may need to be sitting down for the next part) then I’m also frothing at the mouth with glee to announce Shoot Up’s inaugural meet up in Edinburgh on Saturday 28th November 2009. We’re announcing it quite early so our American friends have time to organise time off work, flights, entry visas, vaccinations, quarantine, etc., etc.

So come November, not only can you have the opportunity to meet me but you can also meet my esteemed co-writer Alison who is travelling up from the wilds of England to be here. Also present will be popular guest writer Katie (aka Tim’s wife) and the non-contributing but moral-supporting Alison’s hubby. Not only that, but Tim’s pharmacist will also be there, for some reason.

We’ll be meeting from 7pm onwards in Au Bar (it’s a pub, so over 18s only – sorry youngsters) on Shandwick Place, Edinburgh, EH2 4SD and we’ll try and keep the diabetes talk to a minimum. More details can be found on our Facebook events page or you can email either of us.

All are very, very welcome, so see you there!

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About Tim

Diagnosed with Type One when he was 28, Tim founded Shoot Up in 2009. For the diabetes geeks, he wears a Medtronic 640G insulin pump filled with Humalog and uses Abbott's Libre flash glucose monitor.

7 thoughts on “Diabetes events

  1. Lesley

    You say “we’ll try and keep the diabetes talk to a minimum” – are you kidding? We have a pumpers meet in London every 3 months. We spend several hours in a wine bar, and talk animatedly about diabetes until we are chucked out at closing time. Its not an intentional thing – its just one thing we all have in common, and something that only those in the know can understand.

    (next London pumpers meet is on Friday 23rd Oct)

  2. Sam Clifford

    Hi Lesley

    where are your pumpers meetings? would love to come along – especially as the Shoot up or put up meeting is not thinking about the long shlap us southerners would have to committ to!

  3. Lesley

    @Sam Clifford
    Hi Sam
    We meet at the Chopper Lump wine bar, Hanover Square, London, from about 5.30 pm until we go home or the pub closes (probably the latter)
    Closest tube station is Oxford Circus. Everyone is welcome, current, prospective and former pumpers and their parents, friends, partners etc.

    Website for the venue, including a map: http://www.davy.co.uk/chopperlump

    Hope to meet you on 23rd Oct!


  4. Tim

    Lesley :

    You say “we’ll try and keep the diabetes talk to a minimum” – are you kidding?

    I am! Last time Alison and I met up we all had a fierce debate about artificial pancreases; which Alison ungraciously admitted defeat by feigning a hypo. [Yes, I am co-writer baiting here…]

  5. Alison

    @Tim I refuse to rise to your childish baiting, save to say that it wasn’t just me that said I was low, my CGMS agreed 😉

    @Lesley – can you let us have the dates for all your pump meet ups and we’ll publish them? I get down to London for work quite a lot so would love to join you for a drink if I’m around.

    Roll on 28th November!

  6. Tim

    @Alison Yeah, yeah, yeah – you just programmed your CGMS to say that… 😉

    Anyway, this events lark is going well so far – with luck we’ll have a national diabetic drinking club up and running before the month is out.

  7. Mike

    Any chance we could extend this to Spain??? Not so far for me to travel and the weather is obviously better. 😉

    If not I’ll have a virtual one..


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