I’m popping over the pond to the States in a couple of weeks and will be visitng Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and New York. Are you a Shoot Up reader in any of those places? Fancy a beer? In true Shoot Up night out fashion?
Let me know if so, and we can try to organise something.
Not at all @Tim! This is purely recreational. With your permission, I will be an Ambassador for Shoot Up social gatherings, spreading the message far across the atlantic. If there’s anyone out there that is…
Great idea! As a reward for your Ambassadorial role Caroline, you get to write us a post sharing all the gossip about any ShootUp readers you meet on your travels.
Hello everyone! Just writing something/anything on here to put this back at the top of the list, in case you missed it the first time around. Leaving here on Wednesday, so give me a shout if you want to meet up. C x
I’m in America! It’s pretty wonderful. Hope you’re all having fun where you are, blighty and the like… The above offer still stands if anyone in the US missed this the first time round.