Re: Diabetes UK – Test Are You A Type 1 or 2

Home Forums Living with type one Diabetes UK – Test Are You A Type 1 or 2 Re: Diabetes UK – Test Are You A Type 1 or 2

Annette A

Interesting – I did it, and despite my ticking the ‘I have a relative with type 1 or 2 (my Dad’s T2) it still reckoned I am at the same low risk as @neobrainless.
Got the husband to try as well – and even with his mum being ‘pre-diabetic’ (ie, she really is T2 but as long as she follows a decent diet, she thinks she isnt diabetic yet…I gave up trying to explain after the first time) he also is ‘low risk’.
So which are the risk factors that move you up if genetics dont? (Or perhaps that should be what do I have good that cancels out the bad?) – decent BMI? Small waist measurement? No high blood pressure? Thoughts?