During the course of some earlier discussion on your soaraway Shoot Up, I used an over-complicated analogy describing myself as being Managing Director of my diabetes. Never being one to avoid over-egging a pudding, I thought I would draw this out into a whole company, which I’ve dubbed “Tim’s Pancreas Limited”.
Being an organised sort of chap, I’ve drawn up a hierarchical organisation chart below (you can click on it to make it bigger, if you want):
Having re-read this, I think a better name for my company might be Tim’s Limited Pancreas…! Arf!
I think that is worthy of wider publicity, Balance or JDRF mag ? – it’s just as it should be with the pwd leading.
I’d promote your wife to Chairwoman – I bet she has overall control of you 🙂
You could add a Research Dept in – eg Medtronic or whoever CGM you have because CGM is a main player
Brian – you’re absolutely right regarding Katie: she should be at the top of the tree somewhere above me!
Adding the research department is an excellent idea!
[edit – so much so that I’ve incorporated these into the article and promoted Katie to “Director”!]
I think this really is the only way to run it. I tried to implement an outsourcing model once but no one would bid for the contract http://www.shootuporputup.co.uk/2009/05/wanted-diabetes-manager/
Having re-read your tender document , I’m not surprised no-one applied for the job. It’s a bit of a thankless task!
The board of my own ‘Pancreas Industries’ once had to write a series of pretty stiffly worded HR letters to my liver. http://www.everydayupsanddowns.co.uk/2011/05/dblog-week-day-2-letters-to-my-liver.html
Very sad to hear about the decline of Pancreas Industries! Such a bastion of your body’s industrial base.