
  • You’ve over done the candles a little for a 7 years old !
    Congrats on your first seven years and wishing you many more


  • The increase in people at risk is partially down to lowering the criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes. T1 is easy to diagnose – no insulin or very little and dramatic symptoms; T2 is more difficult they have and […]

  • Tim,
    I think that is worthy of wider publicity, Balance or JDRF mag ? – it’s just as it should be with the pwd leading.
    I’d promote your wife to Chairwoman – I bet she has overall control of you 🙂
    You could […]

  • Tim
    I went to a conference thirty years ago and the researcher was curing within the said 10 years; using alginate (seaweedy stuff), to encapsulate the beta cells to protect them from being attacked by the […]

  • @mike I’ll buy that explanation, thanks. In which case my comments have been answered, hadn’t appreciated the subtleties.

    Could put a smiley on the dot of the eye just to make the point LOL.

  • @mike I was around when British Diabetic Association (which legally it still is) moved to Diabetes UK – didn’t particularly like the new title, but it followed a fashion in charities of adding UK – largely becau […]