Dear Alison’s mind

By | 22 February, 2012
What Alison's mind might look like. Possibly.

What Alison’s mind might look like. Possibly.

Dear Alison’s Mind

Today Alison went for her annual toe tickle. And she was feeling pretty grumpy. In the waiting room she was acting as a handy generational bridge between a 6 year old with a verruca and an 80 year old who needed help cutting his nails. This is not her ideal way to spend an afternoon. She self-importantly thinks that she had at least a hundred more interesting things she could have been doing. She feels that if the pancreas would pull its weight, she wouldn’t have to attend endless check-ups on ;

4 thoughts on “Dear Alison’s mind

  1. Mike

    Can you have your mind talk to my mind? It is currently moping about and finding fault with almost everything.

    1. Alison Post author

      Ah, I didn’t say my mind actually listened, only that it got a good talking to. Listening is a completely different thing 😉

  2. Megs

    Dear Alison’s mind that appears to be very wise and timely advice to take on board.

    Perhaps Shoot Up should consider offering a regular smug rallying cheerleader type call to all those of us currently undergoing a stuff diabetes and its randomness whinge fest.


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