Well chaps, it’s that time of the month again – poll results time. Hurrah! As always, our highly scientific, balanced, bias-proof, carefully weighted survey has caught the mood – the Zeitgeist, if you will – of the diabetic community.
The majority of people answered our question “I know… a) everything about diabetes; or b) nothing about diabetes” with a). Therefore our beloved readers are either experts on diabetes, whose knowledge of chronic illness far exceeds that of the national average or they’re all pathological liars. The jury remains out.
This month, we’re quizzing you about your local health care provider – whether this is your local clinic, hospital, doctor, endocrinologist or whatever – and how good you think they are. You can give your answer to the question “My local healthcare provider is…” over on the right from the following range of possibilities:
Faultlessly brilliant. I’m in awe
On the whole not bad at all
Neither good nor bad – health purgatory
Needing a lot of improvement
So bloody awful I may as well use a witch doctor
With regard to the last option, I have to confess I’ve never consulted a witch doctor about my diabetes. So if they are, in fact, absolutely marvellous at treating diabetes I apologise unreservedly to any witch doctor readers that might be offended by the disparaging tone of the option. Please don’t turn me into a frog.
One thought on “Poll results – how much do you know about diabetes?”
My endo is top notch and current on all forms of diabetes care. She listens to my issues, offers suggestions and praise for all the good things I do. I can’t say anything bad about her!
My endo is top notch and current on all forms of diabetes care. She listens to my issues, offers suggestions and praise for all the good things I do. I can’t say anything bad about her!