Paul replied to the topic Statins in the forum Living with type one 6 years, 7 months ago
They’re great if you’re a manufacturer of them..
I’ve refused, the younger docs have more of a problem with this, the older consultants listen to my reasons & are fine with it.. (whilst saying i need to say that the official NHS policy is & are you aware that..)
Paul replied to the topic Your own personal diabetes budget in the forum Living with type one 8 years, 11 months ago
Note to self.. I really need to be better at proof reading when using swype on a phone.
Paul replied to the topic Your own personal diabetes budget in the forum Living with type one 8 years, 11 months ago
The original idea for this came from a joke I made on Twitter along the lines of a one size fits all NHS pump (it better not come in the old NHS specs tortoise shell)
Now there are lots of features i like on my pump, but at the end of the day the important features are all the same.. Would i take a basic pump if it was available (yes), would i…[Read more]
Paul commented on the post, Why every single member of the Diabetes Online Community™ is wrong 8 years, 11 months ago
I have a slim list of people I still interact with in doc (I suspect they’re probably people I’d enjoy a beer & a fruit pastel with) & yet often our views on diabetes are radically different.
It has been useful […]
Paul commented on the post, Why every single member of the Diabetes Online Community™ is wrong 8 years, 11 months ago
Yes – I did think on the tube home yesterday I could’ve summed it up much shorter & better!
There’s surely irony in the situation.
What I do to manage my diabetes shouldn’t impact on anyone else’s care & vice […] -
Paul commented on the post, Why every single member of the Diabetes Online Community™ is wrong 8 years, 11 months ago
The pint is the unsung hero in the diabetic care team!
Re: speaking for us… I first noticed this when my consultant called me a PWD rather than diabetic following an online campaign I had to put her straight […]
Paul commented on the post, Why every single member of the Diabetes Online Community™ is wrong 8 years, 11 months ago
So a multiwave/dual bolus album then?
A sudden burst of excitement followed by a slow lack lustre drip of enthusiasm on listening?
Paul commented on the post, Why every single member of the Diabetes Online Community™ is wrong 8 years, 11 months ago
100% agree.
I make no attempt to hide not liking the DOC, diabetes is something i live with but frankly their are better things i can spend my time on than more diabetes (else I’d end up in the loony bin) […] -
Paul commented on the post, QuickSet versus Mio 8 years, 11 months ago
Nope.. It’s part of my dangerous Brian personality!
I’ve just never found it necessary, I’ve had maybe 4 sets fail properly unexpectedly over the years. The bigger problem I have is sets being grumpy starting […]
Paul commented on the post, QuickSet versus Mio 8 years, 11 months ago
On the size vs convenience to carry.. The thing which has changed my mind on the mios is their bulk when going away rather than daily.
TBH. I don’t carry a set with me (if one fails (& with me they don’t seem […]
Paul replied to the topic Mio versus QuickSet in the forum Living with type one 9 years ago
I’m now an expert (of a week) 😉 as far as I can tell the difference is the inserter ..
I can see the mio being good when you get used to it but for a newbie it was a but of a FAFF setting it all up.
I got the tubing caught in the inserter cog on Saturday – managed to pull it all out w/o any problem & unjam it so it’s quite robust.
Paul replied to the topic medtronic 640G! in the forum Living with type one 9 years ago
Cynicism about the number of consumables (reservoirs & tubing) that they were expecting the NHS to buy was the first thought that crossed my mind!
I’ve had a low insulin alarm so I’ve got to do a refill today, I’m planning on putting my normal weeks worth of insulin in & seeing if I die by the end of the week – I tend to think I won’t.
Thanks…[Read more]
Paul started the topic medtronic 640G! in the forum Living with type one 9 years ago
I’ve been attached to my new shiny pump since weds & so far i haven’t died!
(I still miss my old pump though but am slowly getting used to the change)
So one of my reasons for dropping Accu-check for the 1st time in 21yrs was that they’d shrunk the cartridge size (pre-filled for convenience & NHS expense) but it’d mean changing…[Read more]