What do you carry your diabetes paraphernalia around in?

Home Forums Living with type one What do you carry your diabetes paraphernalia around in?

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  • This topic has 23 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #9809

      I’ve asked my lovely wife @katie to make me a custom made stash carrier; but sadly it’s still on the drawing board and she has sensible things to make like handbags which she sells for real money.

      In the meantime I use a leather bag from desang.net; what do you use to carry your diabetes crap around in?

    • #10287

      pump = pocket :)
      test gear usually lives in wifes handbag or it comes out of its bulky case and gets lost into my pockets.

    • #10289

      I’ve used a succession of pencil cases for pens/spare needles/emergency hypodermics/clippery thing/2 million used test strips etc. When they get too unspeakable grubby, I fancy a change, or the zip gives out I’ll go and pick a new one.

      The testing kit doesn’t quite fit so that sits on top which is a bit of a pain, but not enough of one for me to do anything about it for the last 20 years.

      More often than not if just nipping out to eat I’ll only bother taking the pen shoved in a jacket pocket.

    • #10291

      I have my pump on my waistband and my blood testing kit and a spare syringe in my handbag. That’s it for day trips. If I’m going overnight I have a bathroom bag type thing that has all my diabetes junk in it.

      The husband says the best thing about the pump is that he no longer has to carry my pen in his pocket when we go out!

    • #10295

      @simon1972 @alison – you get your other halves to carry things for you? Because I carry a manbag all the time, it’s usually @katie that asks me to carry all her guff about. S’not fair!

    • #10297

      In my black pantechnicon (thanks to Caroline’s mum)

    • #10299

      @Tim Share the load. I look after the diabetes full time so it’s only fair that the husband carries a bit of the junk every now or again. He’s rarely found without a packet of fruit pastilles in his pocket (or perhaps he’s just pleased to see me?!). The joy of loving a diabetic!

    • #10302
      Annette A

      Pump: on my belt. Testing kit: in its own little case (came with the meter) in my handbag. ‘Emergency kit’: (syringe, glucogel, spare battery etc): in a baby handbag (god knows who’d be able to use it as a real handbag, cant fit more than a mobile and a purse, let alone keys etc) inside my big handbag. Which, as it is a large bag (to carry all the other junk I seem to need regularly – food, spare bag in case I find something to buy :-), purse, lipsalve, notebook, etc etc etc) tends to end up with my husbands junk in it as well. The only plus pointbeing I therefore have total control of what his money is spent on…(and who by :-) )

    • #10304

      Although I don’t have a pump, I carry a massive bag which is able to fit most things into including all my diabetes stuff and one of the most important things – SWEETNER!!!!! And if I get tired of dragging my giant bag around all day it’s also spacious enough for me to climb inside and have a power nap!

    • #10307

      The pump lives on my utility belt (along with things like cellphone, PDA, keys, multi-tool, Bat-er-rang, etc…).

      For everything else, I’ve used either a Dia-Pack delux or a MEDport case. Those are ALMOST sufficient. What I’d really like is something just a little bit bigger, so I have more room for my extra infusion set, inserter, etc. Everything that I’ve seen that’s bigger is WAY bigger than what I really need.

    • #10399

      I feel a bit of an interloper here not being pancreatically challenged but a very interested participant. I am part of a new company (no, don’t switch off) which was asked to design an insulin injector pen with a memory. The guy who asked us to do this is type 1, a chef/restaurateur, who had had the idea when working on posh yachts and celebrities’ estates in the US and Caribbean. Because of his hectic lifestyle he couldn’t remember when or whether he had injected and how much. We agreed to see whether we could develop his idea and have come up with Mediche LifeOne which is a diabetes management system including the injector pen with memory but also has a blood glucose meter with memory and a mobile computing device which will, when set up, allow the user to build a unique picture of their diabetes and its care and management. We have tried very hard to develop this idea with and for diabetics. I chose this particular forum because you sound like mature and open-minded people (sorry if that sounds patronising, it’s not meant to be). Please have a look at http://www.mediche.com and let us have your thoughts. It is very important to us to get this right for those who are going to use it and not for the manufacturers or distributors. We would dearly love to have conversations with those of you who would like to input further into the development of this product; our first design is for a diabetes management system for use with an injector pen but later evolutions will be suitable for use with a pump for those who want to record everything. We are at the concept prototype stage and looking for funding to take it to the next step. There are several venture capitalists hovering around with pound notes in their eyes and two of the big medical device companies have approached us to have meetings with them but we would rather get it right in concept and know that we are on the right track for those who will use it than just give it to the big boys (to possibly shelve). One of the main criteria of design has been that the container should have everything in it that a person who injects insulin might need for the day, that it should be stylish and discreet – something that would not draw attention to itself on a dining table, and the mobile computing device should be intuitive. Those type 1 and type 2 insulin injectors we have already approached for input have guided what we have done so far. So, now, over to you. I am very nervous of putting this in front of you – it’s a bit like watching your child be put to the test in the school play (well, you get the drift). Thanks for reading.

    • #10401
      Annette A

      This looks to me as though it is aimed at doing for MDI users what the new (smart) pumps do for pumpers, ie bolus advice, tracking data, etc. I think its a great idea (and would certainly have appreciated it had it been around when I was on MDI). I’m not sure I wouldn’t prefer the option of not sending personal data over the ethernet, but being able to just download them via USB/bluetooth/whatever when I wanted to onto my own computer, maybe an option to look at? (Or maybe its just me :-)

    • #10402

      @chickalin – thanks for your post; I think this is probably worthy of it’s own thread, so I’ve re-posted it here:


      (and put some paragraph spacing in for you ;-) )

    • #10477

      I have a pencil case brilliant metalic blue so I can find it in my handbag easily. Have couple of waist packs designed for my kit will try it out on longer walks than am doing in the heat

    • #10478

      @bumble – ahha! Your post worked! :-)

      I’ve never thought of using a pencil case – that would be just about the right size too…mmmm…

    • #10485

      my Pump in my pocket and the rest kept in my handbag (huge lol ) and easy access to get to.

    • #10558

      I’ve been carrying my pen in the case thingy it came with – stuffed into my inside jacket pocket. The bulge makes me feel a bit like James Bond…

    • #10559

      How much like James Bond? A bit, or a lot?

    • #10560

      Only a bit. However when my BG is low I develop the right accshent.

    • #10568

      @scottyfromscotland: Seeing that insulin makes you dip under, if you’re Bond, a shot should transform you into a submarine – just remember to carry along a straw too, to use as snorkel {while you wait 15 minutes for the insulin to kick in ;)}

    • #10570
      Annette A

      Any Bond worth his salt would have a customizable pen/straw/glucose dispensing device all in the same box,surely?(or should that be shurely?)

    • #10571
      Hairy Gnome

      I whush you’d all shtop with the accshent it’sh catshing! :D

    • #11104

      I just use a jacket pocket or my backpack. Only issue I would have is in the summer when a jacket is (or damn well SHOULD be) impractical. Luckily (!) the summers since I was diagnosed have been shite, and jackets are acceptable!

      I’d love a little kitbag, but for the moment they are WAY outta my price range. I do keep my glucose meter in its little zip up case. Use my squishy lantus bag/case thing for spare needles on trips. And my Novopen case handles a spare vial if I think I’ll run out. haven’t really done any long trips since diagnosis, so that method has been fine so far.

      Definitely envy women and their handbags – would make life so much easier! Don’t think I could handle a manbag myself :S

    • #12181

      Well, I have just received a sexy leather Desang kit-bag that I treated myself to with Christmas money (yeah, I’m pretty slow to sort stuff…)

      While it is almost certainly part of some sponsorship deal, I was pleasantly surprised to get a free accu-check multiclix pricker with it! And 4 barrels of stickers – about 4 years worth, I reckon ;) Sadly, I have already broken it – when trying to prime it, I pushed to hard, and now it feels like the spring has gone :( So close to trying something new and exciting :(

      Still, having a one stop collection for all my crap is gonna make life MUCH easier! No more forgetting my pen for work, It’s a lot harder to forget a big black pacakage than just a pen… :)

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