The sugar tax

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    • #15918

      Good Thing or Bad Thing? On the bad side your post-hypo Lucozade might cost more; on the plus side manufacturers might make a greater range of low / no sugar drinks – at last! What do you think?

    • #15919

      Here’s an interesting economics-related view of the tax:

    • #15921
      Annette A

      Post-hypo lucozade? Why would I want to drink that disgusting stuff post-hypo? During hypo, yes. And I’m mildly peeved that it will cost me more to get myself out of situations I didnt ask to be in in the first place (ie low blood sugars). But at least its only v. sugary drinks at the moment. When he starts trying to tax things like Fruit pastilles, then he will have a major fight on his hands…

    • #15922

      “…fruit pastilles” – then we man the barricades my friends!!

    • #15941
      Sue Clewer

      Drives me crazy, why are all the lovely, artificial sweeteners seen as such good things. From what I’ve read over the years, they can cause many health problems, or they are implicated in them. Give me good old honest to goodness sugar anytime !?!

    • #15942

      I agree Sue – I’d rather have sugar than sweetener! I have similar views about low fat margarine versus butter. What’s the point in some insipid, watery, feeble spread when you could have a nice bit of lovely yellow, West Country butter? Everything in moderation, mind.

      I rather take the view that my days are numbered and Death himself stalks my every move, so why not have a bit of butter, eh?

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