Shoot Up Meet Up

Home Forums Living with type one Shoot Up Meet Up

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Tim.
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    • #9937
      Hairy Gnome

      As I can’t join you for the rollicking festivities of the Shoot Up Meet Up, I just thought I’d give you all my best wishes and tell you that I hope you all have a great time. Not only that, it provides a space for you all to rat on each other in the aftermath, and complain about your hangovers!

      Have a great time! :)

    • #12137

      Amen @teloz, I hope one of them is going to get lots of drunk photos to share with those of us that can’t attend! :D

    • #12138

      Thanks chaps – it’s looking like we’ve going to get a good turnout too. Not only that but Alison & I will also be doing a lot of filming for video blogs tomorrow morning and I’ve also secured a meeting with Scotland’s Roche rep. who’s going to take us through all their latest products so we can review them for you. Then it’s off for a slap up feast along with our respective partners and then to Au Bar for booze and chat. It’s a diabetic-filled weekend ahead!

    • #12140

      It’s going to be a veritable diabetes fest, my pancreas is twitching at the thought of it.

    • #12142

      @Alison – I was also going to pick up some pizzas for a quickish lunch for us tomorrow. I’m laying on the carbs pretty damned thick. (If you and Geoff would like something else for lunch then let me know – I’m going to the Coop after work. I love the forums, we can discuss our lunch arrangements in public!)

    • #12143

      @Tim As co-writers eating together are allowed to average their BG readings, pizza sounds marvellous ;-)

    • #12144

      Cool – I’ll get a chicken one and a veggie one; that should tide us over ’til tea!

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