Hi everyone,
I have a question related to Optipen Pro1 and I hope some of you might know the answer. Where to keep it during hot summer days? My GP told me that Optipen should NOT be kept in ordinary refrigerator, cause it can harm its battery, and we all know that insulin does not tolerate temperature above 25 Celsius. Has anyone heard of some kind refrigerator where insulin and Optipen both can be stored? I’ve noticed that my Optipen has ’died’ in just 4 months, only because I kept it in fridge during summer.
Anyone has similar problems, any suggestions… please
Hi Tanja, insulin can be kept quite happily out of the fridge at normal (even summer) room temps for 4 weeks as long as you’re not in the tropics, that might not be good ) but if you really want to keep it cool, why not try a ’drinks fridge’ – one of those glass fronted ones you see in bars, but are commonly available. They dont go down as cold (about 10 degeees C) so may be better for the batteries. I keep my not-in-use stuff in one-gets ut out of the main fridge. It’s referred to as the drink and drugs fridge…
Thanks a lot Annette. I’ve noticed that you have a good knowledge about diabetes and everything that comes with it and it is a bless that you want to share it I will also try to help whenever I can.
I agree with Annette – insulin should be fine in relatively normal temperatures. I take the view – whether rightly or wrongly – that insulin is a protein, like eggs. So if it’s hot enough to cook an egg it’s hot enough to cook insulin. This might be entirely rubbish – perhaps more scientific (or, indeed, scientific!) readers can set me straight.
Failing that, these chaps works quite well – http://www.friouk.com/ – in keeping things cool without the use of a cold, cold fridge.
Tim, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks! I live in Belgrade, Serbia, and these days temperature in my flat is about 26-29C degrees. I do have air conditioner but here we have very strange system for electricity billing. If I would use it 24/7, as I should to keep my insulin and Optipen on reasonable temp., my bills would go sky high. So this wallet is much cheaper and simple solution. Besides, I’m not much of a fan of AC system….
Interesting as I often think about the “insulin pen in use” that is currently in my pocket when it is way over 25º C.. What happens then, after it is combined with said body heat? I’m sure I been slow to react to insulin that has been kept in a warm environment for too long.
I do keep unused insulin in the fridge like a good boy and at times when pottering close to home will put the “in use” pen back into the fridge.
@tim Perhaps @katie could develop a new man bag with a built in cooler or slot to put a frio thingy into it… I had a red frio years ago when had a holiday to Greece shortly after diagnosis.
@mikeinspain – Are you saying that @katie – who usually spends her time making quality, hand-made, unique handbags and accessories and sells them at http://www.stripykat.com (international delivery and PayPal accepted) – should make a bag with Frio holder?
@tim & @katie whilst I like the idea of frio someone needs to help them with both design, colours, sizing (& diabetes needs) in my opinion, so go for it… What did bogart say…
This (it) could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
Back to the original post thou as an elec eng the battery will be fine as would the electronics at that temp … I would guess the moisture in the cooler air would do any damage so you could try using a sealed container & some silca dessicant crystals
The caveat to the previous post is that lcd displays break at sub zero temps so the fridge musnt be empty & the pen shouldn’t be against the heat exchanger or in the colder parts.
In my experience the original optipen wasn’t that reliable so you really need to keep a spare. My doc got me a non-electronic replacement recently, the sanofi aventis clikstar which may be better for you if you can get hold of it
@mikeinspain – re the pen in use – My thoughts are – no worse than the insulin in the cartridge in a pump – and a pen holds the same as the cartridge so is in use for a similar amount of time (not quite as long as you do they basal as well as the bolus, but if you have a low basal rate, it only amounts to a couple of days worth). Its always at close to body heat etc. So they must stand up to body heat, or the pump manufacturers wouldnt be able to use them. (I hope that makes sense. Its rather difficult to explain what I’m trying to suggest…)