Lowering your cholesterol

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    • #6064

      @don172 asks: Looking for advice on lowering my cholesterol. Any sure-fire cures I’m overlooking? I’ve started exercising, lowered my fat intake and started eating more oats and oily fish. I’ve been on statins for nearly a year now but the numbers are still too high. And if the numbers do start improving, how quick a process is it to get back in line? Weeks, months or years?! Or is everybody unique?

    • #8817

      To quote ABC News, America, reporting on scientists’ concerns:

      “Two years ago, a study known as the JUPITER trial suggested the cholesterol-lowering statin drug might prevent heart-related death in many more people than just those with high cholesterol. Now, however, researchers say that the JUPITER results are flawed — and that they do not support the benefits initially reported. Not only is there no “striking decrease in coronary heart disease complications”, but a new report has also called into question drug companies’ involvement in such trials.”

      I lowered my cholesterol by changing to a much lower carbohydrate diet – I wanted to lose weight, but this was the result! I eat meat, chicken, pork, bacon, beef, lamb, cheese, egg… and loads of salad (at least three quarters of my plate) or lots of veg and very, very little carbohydrate. No potato, cake, biscuits, only low GI carbs and not many of them. Wine is allowed! And some fruit. Lots of olives and almonds and monounsaturates, which HELP break down cholesterol. You do not want to stop your body being able to take up cholesterol as your body needs them to work. Your body makes cholesterol but not enough. I also lowered my cholesterol further by using oat milk in my tea instead of cows milk. It lowers cholesterol.

      This is my opinion, but I think too much is made of lowering cholesterol levels. Eating a very healthy diet lower in cholesterol (but not devoid of it) and high in monounsaturates and green veg, is i bet the advice we’ll all be getting 10 years from now.

    • #8820
      Annette A

      Well, I eat pretty low carb (not the ‘official’ definition of low carb – but I restrict to less than 100 cho per day – less than that and I have problems with my exercise levels), I eat loads of fruit and veg, I eat oats and flaxseed (another supposedly cholesterol olowering food). I use soy milk (unsweetend, so no carbs) in everything except tea/coffee (dont like the taste there) – again, supposedly cholesterol lowering. I snack on all the healthy stuff – seeds, nuts, olives, soy beans, etc. I eat very little meat or cheese (I do eat eggs). And my cholesterol is going up. Not currently on medication, but almost certain to be so within a couple of years. Nothing I do seems to affect it. Some people just have high cholesterol, and nothing ‘natural’ yet found can help, its drugs or high. (My dad had very high cholesterol. I mean VERY high. He went for tests because he had ‘growths’ on his elbow. They turned out to be his body’s way of getting rid of the excess cholesterol, and now he’s back down at normal levels, they’ve virtually disappeared. He ate healthily (ish). Was put on drugs, took a couple of years to get down to ‘normal levels’. I think it really is a case of YDMV. Or perhaps YCholesterolMV)

    • #8821
      Hairy Gnome

      I can’t be arsed, I’ll just die and get it over with… 😆

    • #8822

      That’s just your solution to every problem Terry! ;-)

    • #8824

      Does sound like the actual hypercholesterolemia thing there, Annette… oat milk is better than soya at getting down the cholesterol level, but it sounds like you DO need the drugs. I found oat milk because I was advised that soy is a very foreign protein to us westerners and it was likely to make me allergic to it.

    • #8838

      @Lizz Oat Milk! I tried it OMG it looks awful and the taste…. I think I’d rather have black coffee.

    • #8871

      Oat milk tastes much nicer than soya (and soya is not good for you). I can’t taste it at all any more, and boy, real milk tastes revolting now,someone made a mistake the other day and gave to me instead! Maybe you get used to it! You have to shake the carton or it is too thin. And the organic one is nicer.

    • #8872

      @lizz I’ve never seen it before but being curious I’m going to look & try it.
      I do wish trades description pesos would force them to use milk substitute, etc as a name though.

      Milk these things are not!

    • #8873

      I’ll never forsake the udder adoration inherited from my Friesian forebears* – bovine wine is best, on its own by the glassful or frozen&sweetened…just keep it far from the tea!

      *luckily, mine are not one of these, with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH)

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