As there are a few of us pancreatically challenged people on pumps now (and more due to start) should the website now be called Shoot Up,Put Up or Pump Up? I’m sure Tim and Alison have no need to worry about changing the name but I just wondered what people thought?
@Tim – Far be it from me to disagree with The Lord of the Blog!
If you really had to change the blog’s name (which I don’t think you do), it could be changed to Shoot Up or Pump Up, which would probably still fit on your cards Tim.
@teloz: For the sake of poetic euphony, the muddy “m” in “Pump Up” is all wrong: it bogs down the nice, poppingly explosive “p”s…and after @tim‘s graphic description of cannula insertion (by means of spring-loaded egg cup/ink stamper), I think “shoot” is still involved when pumping – even if there’s supposed to be a 3-day long cease-fire…