I know Neville has already covered it in a post, but after reading the reactions to Diabetes UK’s new look over on their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/diabetesuk) I thought I would kick off a discussion on the forums.
Genius! I like it clear and to the point! How long did it take you @Tim? What type face is it? and should the first ‘a’ in Association be a capital? ……don’t give up the day job!
It took three minutes flat. It’s in the lovely Comic Sans font and I would have given association a capital A but that would have taken more time and money which could have been spent on a CURE, so I didn’t.
Oh you had to start this off again didn’t you @Tim? Just as I was feeling the will to live slowly seep back into my body following the last round of the great logo debate, some idiot has to bring it up again
Comic Sans is the font of the devil. It has a single useful purpose in that for primary school children the ‘a’ looks like it is written. For all other use, especially business, it should be digitally terminated. And don’t even get me started on Incredimail ™
@seasiderdave – Comic Sans is indeed the work of the devil and – in my view – is second only to the horrific Brush Script in terms of crimes against fonts.
At the minute my favourite font is the one used for the John Lewis logo – clean, crisp and little bit funky. Niiiice!