Cell novo pump questions

Home Forums Living with type one Cell novo pump questions

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    • #10085

      So having had a short trial of an omnipod and decided to go over to the dark side and ask for an insulin pump in general, and that one in particular, my DSN threw in another option- the cell novo pump (http://www.cellnovo.com/).

      It looks shiny and fancy, and claims to be smaller and better than an omnipod, but their website is terrible and I can’t find out any practical info- they only seem concerned with their USP which seems to be that it looks a bit like an iphone and will automatically save and transmit all your data.

      Has anybody got one/seen one in action who could answer some of my questions? (I should say I’m also trying to organise a meeting with a rep- not that I don’t trust you lot!)

      What I want to know includes…
      – what infusion sets does it take/how do you insert them? (I quite like the click and stab approach of the omnipod)
      – what do you do on a plane? the omnipod doesn’t have to be turned off but I presume the data sharing thingy would have to be disabled. Can this be done while still keeping the pump working? Does it have a flight mode like a phone?
      – is the touchscreen on the handset reliable? some phones are better than others- I wouldn’t want to be stabbing around to give a bolus, or to accidentally press the wrong button
      – is the rechargeable battery in the pump bit likely to lose capacity with time like other electronic devices?

      Thanks- I realise this is a bit of a stab in the dark!

    • #14008

      Hi Hilary yes I’ve seen one at a meeting with reps at a pump seminar held at Bournemouth hosp. I personally didn’t like the look of it (God I’m getting old) At the time the reps didn’t have to much info on it which could be taken away and absorbed (see told you I was old) I could see it appealing to teens. Have a look at the Bournemouth Diabetic and Endocrine website/facebook as I think they may have a review of it.

      From what i can remember the infusion sets were a bit of a hassle and the cartridge would require more frequent filling. The reps didn’t fill me with confidence and I just hope that when my pump is due to be renewed I am not offered it.

    • #14009

      We are one of the Diabetes Centres involved in the user evaluation of the new CellNovo insulin pump: https://www.pressdispensary.co.uk/releases/c993326/Cellnovo-Launches-World-First-Mobile-Connected-Diabetes-Mangmnt-System.html hope this helps

    • #14013

      Reposted from a duplicate thread:

      @reman says:
      Hi Hilary

      To help answer some of your questions;
      – what infusion sets does it take/how do you insert them? The Insulin Cartridge houses the ADR (Advanced Diabetes Research) Infusion set which will be available in both teflon and steel. Each cannula has a self inserter device incorporated.
      – what do you do on a plane? Does it have a flight mode like a phone? There is a flight safe mode function on the Handset allowing you to travel and switch off the website communication while still allowing you to control your Pump.
      – is the touchscreen on the handset reliable? The touchscreen has been tested thoroughly and is guaranteed for the warranty of the System.
      – is the rechargeable battery in the pump bit likely to lose capacity with time like other electronic devices? The rechargeable battery has also been tested and is guaranteed for the warranty period. You have 2 Pumps in each Cellnovo System.

      Hope they help to answer some of your questions.

    • #14014

      @hils – according to his / her sign up address @reman is from Cell Novo – so you’re getting your information straight from the horse’s mouth here.

      Thanks @reman for chipping in with da factz! :-)

    • #14019

      Brilliant- thanks for the info everyone.
      I’m trying to get a meeting with a rep next week- I think I need to have a play with one before I can decide!

    • #14100

      Brilliant- thanks for the info everyone.
      I’m trying to get a meeting with a rep next week- I think I need to have a play with one before I can decide!

    • #14020

      I tried to get info from Cell novo and had a helpful email from Reman over a year ago who told me to sign up with Cell novo which I duly did but heard nothing more ever again.
      At my clinic appointment today was told that their pump clinic tried to go ahead with a trial with Cellnovo that failed to get anywhere. I think this is part of the reason that I started with Omnipod over three months ago.

    • #14101

      I tried to get info from Cell novo and had a helpful email from Reman over a year ago who told me to sign up with Cell novo which I duly did but heard nothing more ever again.
      At my clinic appointment today was told that their pump clinic tried to go ahead with a trial with Cellnovo that failed to get anywhere. I think this is part of the reason that I started with Omnipod over three months ago.

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