Blood Sugar Tatoo!

Home Forums Living with type one Blood Sugar Tatoo!

  • This topic has 15 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Tim.
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    • #9930


      Keep seeing articles in papers about a tatoo that they are developing that changes colour depending on your blood sugar level. I think this would be fantastic as i am the worlds worst finger pricker i do it as infrequently as possible.

      Article here is one of the only ones i found on the net:

      Im sure ive seen it twice in the mail though. Not that i trust anything they say there!

    • #12032

      It would also i hasten to add save te nhs money; unless the tatoo causes you to get gangrene!

    • #12033

      O and i mean tattoo managed to mispell it about 8 times in a row!

    • #12039

      I’ve been hearing about these for ages. They sounds grand in theory but where would you put one and in what design?

    • #12043

      Hmm.. have to be quite visible. And contain enough ‘ink’ presumably to make sure it’s accurate. What a fantastic excuse to get a tattoo! I’ve never heard of this! I want one! A dog. no, a dragon. no, a bird… I like naked mole rats but they wouldn’t be that pretty – a dragonfly?

      What colour do they turn from to, that might make a difference. You could have a traffic light. OR! A man who becomes naked when you are high!

    • #12044

      Ok, just read it, orange and purple… a sun which sets? I think it should have a ‘normal’ colour BG in the design as a control, so under different lighting conditions you aren’t thinking it’s correct or falling when it isn’t…

    • #12045

      Bugger if you are colour blind. Oh wait that’s me! ;)

    • #12046

      Are you orange/purple colour blind?

    • #12047

      @lizz I’m told I’m officially red/green. However my weary confused little eyelets have trouble with red/green/brown, blue/purple and many more.. :)

    • #12052

      Colour certainly plays a large part in classifying our lives considering 10% of men are colour blind.

      I found out something mind-boggling (to me) a little while ago. We have 3 types of cone receptors tin our eyes, all of which respond to a different wavelength of light. And of course each of these colours, which range in hue and saturation etc, can all mix with the other colours to make new colours which means we have thousands of colours to see. But birds have an extra cone, the one that can see ultraviolet. We have no conception of just what colour that is – we know that the shading is different of a flower which has ultraviolet colours in it when viewed under ultra violet light, rather like a colour blind person can pick up deepnesses of colours they cannot perceive, but we can’t see the shade that it actually is as we don’t have the equipment in our eyes or brains to do so. And so birds that can see ultraviolet (nocturnal birds can’t) can see all the colous in the ultaviolet spectrum as well as the mixes of those colours with all the colours we can see. Wow.

    • #12053

      Coo! Shoot Up certainly is an education :-)

    • #12055

      To add to the encyclopedic knowledge that is ShootUp, there is a “simple” explanation from wikipedia. Honestly!!

      I look at the standard Ishihara test and is reminiscent of someone trying to diffuse a bomb for the 1st time without any training! :-) Fortunately it does not look like my 2 boys are heading that way..

    • #12099

      I would totally LOVE a BG tattoo!

      I reckon on your forehead would be good – then your friends know when you’re low ;) Would be fun explaining it at job interviews too :P

    • #12103

      Sorry to wipe all your colourful tattooic slates clean, but the “colour change” involves fluorescence – detected by a “fluorescence monitor, resembling an optical mouse”…so @neobrainless will have to take a shine to a pretty murine friend for his forehead :)

    • #12106

      What colour do they turn from to, that might make a difference. You could have a traffic light. OR! A man who becomes naked when you are high!

      LOL That casts a whole new (ultra violet ?) light on drug use (or mis use depending on your personal view point)

    • #12108

      @ckoei: Ah, I didn’t realise they used fluorescence – makes it somewhat less exciting.

      @ladyupnorth: ha ha ha!

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