I’m currently reading The Fight to Survive: A Young Girl, Diabetes, and the Discovery of Insulin [ https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005IQBXPM ] which is a good read. If I get over my allergy to doing book reviews I will do a book review in due course.
But has anyone read any other books about diabetes that are worth adding to the Kindle?
Its rather old and is probably out of print…… I was given it on a BDA (Yes it was still called the BDA back then) camp back in 1994, but its well worth a read……
Diabetes, A Young Person’s Guide by Rowan Hillson
Well lets just say its still on my book shelf 18 years on and in truth none of its really changed.
If that’s the intellectual level you’re looking for @Tim there was a very colourful guide to blood/urine testing featuring Rupert the Bear which was always a cheery read.
@Tim He was. I met him at a BDA Teddy Bear’s Picnic along with Gary Mabbutt at, I think, Woburn Safari Park once. While there I ‘was robbed’ when I entered the ‘biggest bear’ competition and lost to a smaller girl with a smaller bear.
Grrr, and yes, it still hurts! I did get a photo on the front of the next balance though.