Acne, (Ro)Accutane and T1 Diabetes

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    • #5973

      Has anyone else been prescribed Accutane for acne and subsequently ended up with T1? I was prescribed Roaccutane nearly 10 years ago, and after 3 months of it was completely clear of acne – and still am. I have seen lots of forums discussing this (mostly American) but nothing on here.

      My guess is, it’s simply an overactive, two faced immune system!

      Note: I have no interest in suing anyone, I’m just curious!

    • #7389
      Annette A

      Never heard of this link, but it got me wondering. I developed eczema at the age of 17 months (due to a washing machine engineer who came out to fix our washing machine, and gave my mum a box of a brand new type of washing powder, just developed – will clean your clothes whiter than white! – ie biological. One wash later, (of the clothes!) I was covered in scaly patches. Never really gone away.) When I subsequently developed diabetes (4 yrs) a doctor suggested that the same immune system that ‘allowed’ the diabetes to develop also ‘allowed’ the eczema to take hold. And I’m not sure about this, but some doctors claim that acne can be a sign of a reduced immune system (which is why you can sometimes have a breakout when your system is low – with a cold/flu/whatever).
      So if you are genetically prone to a slightly lower immune system, you’ll likely get acne, or eczema, etc, and if you’re genetically prone to autoimmune problems, you’ll have a higher chance of diabetes. And if you’re the latter, you’ll likely be the former. Could acne (or in my case eczema, or any of the other autoimmune problems) be a possible preindicator of future problems? Or am I just trying to see patterns where there aren’t any?

    • #7391

      I was under the impression acne was caused by an overreation by the immune system – probably wrong! I’ve been so lucky throughout my life, until 6 weeks ago, I’ve had no health issues apart from acne – no bad colds, never had flu etc, I thought my immune system was quite strong!
      I have a cousin who has Crohn’s disease, he has had it for about 6 years, never thought anything of it, (apart from it’s horrible) until I got T1. All points to a genetic predisposition.
      A possible preindicator of future problems. – That’s what I was trying to get at. Thanks Annette!

    • #7392

      I was gonna point out that surely diabetes is a result of an OVER-reactive immune system, rather than under… But then no-ones 100% sure of the cause of T1 anyway, are they?

      I think you’re possibly jumping the gun a little, EVERYONE gets some acne, some worse than others. Also, as someone who never got it badly (just remembering to wash my face properly usually works :P ) and have still subsequently developed, I have to say either I’m an exception, or it’s nothing really…

    • #7393
      Annette A

      I see it as rather a mis-reactive immune system, but it leaves you with a compromised immune system. (And I said diabetes was an autoimmune problem.)
      I didnt get acne. None. Not everyone does – it depends how your sebaceous glands react to male hormones, I think. But then I got diabetes before I could have got acne.

    • #7394

      I’ve seen both arguments, some say that a weak AI can’t distinguish as well between good and bad cells.

      I was certain the consultant dermatologist told me my immune system was over reactive, but doing some general searches came back with a mixed view. The only test I had done before taking Roaccutane was for cholestrol. Roaccutane is a treatment of last resort – nothing else worked or lasted. The warning leaflet that comes with it isn’t pleasant reading, and only a consultant can prescribe it.
      As Annette says, I just wonder if sometimes chronic acne could be a precursor to other autoimmune problems – not that anyone could actually predict what or when…

    • #7397

      I always thought that I had a really good, if somewhat overreactive, immune system. While generally pretty healthy, I tend to react badly to midgey bites (immune system overreacting to bites?) and react to silly things like sticking plaster. So I assumed they were all one and the same thing.

      But, who knows, the greatest scientific minds still don’t know what really causes diabetes of either type, so I’ll be damned if I know!

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