Re: It’s all your fault…

Home Forums It’s all your fault… Re: It’s all your fault…


Everyone is allowed to slip and say s– diabetes but we all know is around the corner if we don’t get our act together for the majority of the time. I was very disappointed by the program the final comment ” Obesity the main problem” no not for us type 1 kids. What they need is emotional support, parents who couldn’t careless during the already tricky stage of teen years. What the kids need are diabetic mentors who can say yes I’ve been to uni got drunk every night and still managed to sober up for my 24hr insulin doze(god knows how). I also managed to not test my myself for years and yet still have a 6.5 HbA1c because I listened to what people said. Pregnancy is difficult but seeing your consult every 2 weeks at Poole hosp and wanting the best for your babies there is no option for such a short time in your life.

I found the amputation of the toe and the ulcerated foot horrific and most certainly a good incentive to test bloods.

Ch4 should now show the positive side of diabetes think of our own Alison traveling the world!
Sorry to rant and rave I’m just shocked what was shown.