Re: DAFNE v Bernstein – question from Paul Buchanan

Home Forums Living with type one DAFNE v Bernstein – question from Paul Buchanan Re: DAFNE v Bernstein – question from Paul Buchanan


I’m nearly 2 years into being a T1 and did my DAFNE 1 year ago. Pre and mostly post DAFNE I stuck to circa 100g of carbs a day and had it fairly much buttoned down. With DAFNE you can choose to be low carb or not. In the last 4 months I’ve chosen not to be so low carb and have put on half a stone in weight (8st 7 to 9st)… (holiday, giving up the smokes and generally needing chocolate!) This half a stone has made a big difference to my insulin intake including my background. So, I’d say yes to DAFNE but don’t do what I’ve done and actually eat what you want all the time….