Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?

Home Forums Living with type one 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT? Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?


Hi @agold, thats’s great news that it’s going so well for you. And like JaneC says, the temp basal rates should make a real difference to the hormonal challenges.

Bear in mind when you’re putting your arguement together for pump funding, that all the positives you’ve listed so far would be the case for any pump, so you’ll need to find some unique benefits to the Omnipod in particular if you want to persuade them to give you that over any other pump. (or hope that the PCT aren’t bright enough to realise that!)