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Well, I’ve used it for the last three hours and have entered my morning tests and lunch carbs, etc. At this early stage I would say it’s the best app for logging that I’ve tried thus far. It’s quick to add things, the interface looks nice and clear, it seems to record useful stuff (like 7 day deviation).

Interestingly it also has a clever game-like points system. Every time you do something – like enter data – you get a few points (a little ball with a number wings across the screen) and this fills up a bar chart. So as we speak (or I type) I’m at 19 points out of 50. I’m not sure what’ll happen when I get to 50 but it’s a good way of keeping your interest.

There’s also a wee on-screen diabetes monster which I’ve named “Fred”. I’m not sure what he’s for but it shows the designer has a sense of humour – which is a massive change from the very dry and very boring apps from boring, boring healthcare boring providers. Boring.