Missed appointments

By | 24 August, 2009
A Royal Infirmary, yesterday

A Royal Infirmary, yesterday

Last week, I missed my first ever diabetes-related appointment at my local hospital. Prior to this mishap I tutted angrily to myself when I read about people who were too lazy to bother turning up for appointments – wasting valuable medical staff’s time and costing the NHS. But now, sadly, I join the serried ranks of Bad People.


In my defence, such as it is, the appointment was for an eye check-up during which they spend ten minutes taking a high-resolution (and surprisingly interesting) picture of the back of my eyes. The appointment is generally very quick and is usually included as part of my usual annual review up at the Royal Infirmary.

However, for some utterly inexplicable reason the eye check up is now done separately from everything else – the A1C, foot check and all that jazz that we know and love. This means more trips up to hospital each year.

If you are not familiar with Edinburgh (and you should be, it’s a lovely city), the Royal Infirmary is a newly-built hospital on the very outskirts of the city and is a complete and utter pain to get to. I usually take a morning off work to bus / taxi there for appointments and it costs both me and my employers time and money to get there.

Like a considerable number of Type Ones, I’m in full time professional employment and hold a responsible position acting for clients all around the world (no, really, I do); continually dropping everything and spending mornings up at the hospital is just not practical or sensible.

So which hair-brained dolt thought that it was a good idea to split the ;

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About Tim

Diagnosed with Type One when he was 28, Tim founded Shoot Up in 2009. For the diabetes geeks, he wears a Medtronic 640G insulin pump filled with Humalog and uses Abbott's Libre flash glucose monitor.

9 thoughts on “Missed appointments

  1. Alison

    Good rant! I spend a lot of time reminding people that diabetes isn’t my full time job and that I do have to do something to pay the mortgage in between diabetes appointments.

    My hospital texts me the day before my appointment to remind me about it – this is mostly a bit irritating but has occasionally saved me from being a social pariah scandalously wasting resources like yourself!

  2. CALpumper

    Can I commute to the UK and visit the Royal Infirmary? Crap. I need a passport first. Then more money for the flight there, time off from work. How long to become a citizen? Oh States. You suck.

    Your rant was better. 😉

  3. Tim

    @CALpumper Just get a big box (with air holes drilled in it) and post yourself over. You could easily get a job as a strawberry picker in Dundee. So easy!

  4. CALpumper

    Woot! I will make a call to my UPS guy.

    Not too sure about strawberry picking: 1) my back 2) I would eat them.

  5. Heather

    Excuse me, Dundee isn’t that bad. We live in Angus, but I take my son to the Paeds clinic at Ninewells. It is has some of the top diabetes consultants in Scotland and is at the forefront of diabetes research in the UK. It also has 10% of its children on pumps – a brilliant figure, when you consider the Scottish average is about 1%.

  6. Heather

    Yes, you are right there Tim. I have to admit that I am glad I am not a Dundonian. They don’t have a very good reputation around here.


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