It’s our week!

By | 16 June, 2009

logo_diabetesIt’s National Diabetes Week here in the UK, a time of joy and celebration for all of us with non working pancreases.

In their 75th anniversary year Diabetes UK are using this week to drive home the message “Act early. Improve lives”. While there’s often a bit of tension between the Type 1 and Type 2 communities when it comes to press coverage, hopefully we can all support the concept of acting early. Whether that’s in terms of preventing complications for Type 1’s or early diagnosis for Type 2’s.

Fingers crossed for lots of high profile press coverage of diabetes over this week, and toes crossed that most of it is on message, based on fact rather than prejudice and clear in terms of difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

One thought on “It’s our week!

  1. Tim

    I like the idea of a whole week of joy and celebration for diabetics – I imagine some sort of pagan festival as seen in The Wicker Man (the Edward Woodward one, not the silly remake). Who would we sacrifice at the end though?


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