Your fantastic diabetes control

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    • #10040

      Unless my meter is broken, my BG has been between 5.5 and 6.5 for the last two days every time I’ve tested. Over these last two days I’ve eaten pasta, cheese, half a giant bar of chocolate, oranges, sweets, etc., etc., with no greater care than usual.

      Tell us about your great-control-with-no-effort experiences.

    • #13515

      Snap! (well almost) 4.1 – 7.4 for me since 7am Tuesday (and yes that *does* include tests an hour or so after eating) Trips to the gym… Evening of beers… Pasta and cream sauce. Artoo is smiling smugly inside his little robot casing.

    • #13614

      Snap! (well almost) 4.1 – 7.4 for me since 7am Tuesday (and yes that *does* include tests an hour or so after eating) Trips to the gym… Evening of beers… Pasta and cream sauce. Artoo is smiling smugly inside his little robot casing.

    • #13516

      Sadly I can not bear to see all this delight and gloating! :) I will therefore retire from this thread in despair and misery! (Can I log that?)

      On a more serious note, it is great to see and does offer encouragement to those us who are still romancing TeamMDI!

      Good work!

    • #13615

      Sadly I can not bear to see all this delight and gloating! :) I will therefore retire from this thread in despair and misery! (Can I log that?)

      On a more serious note, it is great to see and does offer encouragement to those us who are still romancing TeamMDI!

      Good work!

    • #13617

      I set this website up exclusively so I could gloat, won’t you allow me to do even that Mike? :-D

    • #13618

      Ah crap – 13.1 after lunch. I knew it wouldn’t last. So much for gloating… :-(

    • #13619

      Pride before a fall! What’s wrong with the occasional 12 during the day perhaps if I had CGM it would be different but since I don’t and my body reacts differently to exactly the same amount and type of food 2 days running I give up at times.

      I have had a result though my diet has been analysed and my dietitian has said that there is nothing which she could suggest to improve my cholesterol levels. I am perfect!! Roll on the statins now though.

    • #13624

      I’m with @tim & @mike at the moment two days of perfection … well 4.5 to 6.5 & lots of naughtyness.

      I’ve finally got the hang of this pump thingy, basals are spot on & my ratios correct.

      … There, that should fix it :-)

    • #13631

      @mustard – I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a 12 either – I just try and identify highs quickly(ish) and then correct them back down. An hour or two with high BG won’t do any harm but obviously letting one’s kidneys swim in sugar for three days might be less good!

    • #13635

      Ah yes @tim but then by bringing your highs down promptly your frying your eyes with PKC-Beta aren’t you… (worse to spend 14 days going from 5 – 20 that staying at 20 for weeks – endothelial cells that line blood vessels are 2.5x more likely to die with swinging levels [Walsh, Pumping Insulin p22]). Damned if you do…

    • #13637

      @mike – cheers Mike, I’m now thoroughly depressed :-D

    • #13643

      We’re doomed, I tell you, doomed.

    • #13647

      This is starting to sound like Balance from the BDA in the mid 80s: you’ll have one or all of the following within 10 years; dead, blind, on dialysis, impotent or amputated.

    • #13648

      “Diabetes – dead, blind, on dialysis, impotent or amputated” – that would make a great t-shirt slogan!

    • #13652

      No no no better t-shirt slogan click on as Tim suggested earlier!

      Well I’ve lasted a few years without knowing what PKC-Beta and endothelial cells are (sorry if not copied correctly). I test, I eat, I calculate carbs, I give insulin dose and any correction wait 4hrs at least then test etc. Mind you i seem to have developed a slight blood blister after wearing my new Fit flop boots! Too much walking!

      Anyway, so @Tim to achieve this remarkable testing achievement do you feel we should test less and just rely on how we feel .. apart from Lizz with the lovely Lola of course.

    • #13653

      @mustard – it’s a combination of the two – plenty of testing and using your diabetes Spider Senses. If I feel weird then I test regardless if I’ve done a test not that long ago – BG might be shooting up or shooting down. But what do I know?

    • #13654
      Peter Childs

      Hmm Its like my Rule 7. If you can’t remove the high blood sugar by increasing the insulin, try reducing it instead. (Its worked for me in the past)

    • #13657

      I blame you entirely for this @tim Ever since you *made* me gloat about how marvellously it was all going it has been a complete and utter disaster. Bah!

    • #13658

      @mike I will do my upmost not to snigger! Anyway’s I will raise your “complete and utter disaster” with my “Complete Catastrophic Failure!”

      The Endo I saw last week wanted to revert back to 1 Lantus jab per day taken at night. I feel this is helping to highlight the fact that it is beyond useless with any kind of balance or consistency.

      Therefore I am now finding that I am simply too high early to late evening and drop low 1st thing in the morning!! It is a complete bugger, but it is being logged!

    • #13659

      Complete chaos is perfect though @mikeinspain. No?

      Further proof of your NEED for a whizzy new pump to bring BG perfection as shown by @tim and @mike. Well, almost.

    • #13660

      Absolutely! Lots of lovely written evidence that Lantus just isn’t working out :)

    • #13661

      And you’ll need a CGM to monitor you going forward once pump has arrived? ;-)

    • #13662

      Well other than a bad site the day after I posted about my good day, I’ve had very good figures…

      However, my doctor who was anti me changing hospitals, anti me getting a pump is still resisting changing my novorapid pen cartridges to novorapid vials to fill the pump having ignored two appointments with me & the hospitals letter in September..

      I’ve got 15 units left in the pump & only pen cartridges left so tomorrow is going to be interesting! I think I may be the first person to fill a pump 30units at a time from a pen!

    • #13664
      Annette A

      Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt…When I changed over to the pump, I used up my remaining pens to fill my pump cartridges in order not to waste them. It takes a bit more time, but not that long. ;-)

    • #13668

      Sorry @Lizz. I totally misread yours; so post removed.

    • #13669

      LOL, well I deleted mine too – but also managed somehow to delete my former post…

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