Have you seen this rubbish? (Front page Scottish Daily Mail, Wed 30th Aug)

Home Forums Living with type one Have you seen this rubbish? (Front page Scottish Daily Mail, Wed 30th Aug)

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    • #10000

      Scottish Daily Mail – Tuesday 30th Aug 2011

      You may want to email either the journalist or editor regarding this article. They do mention type 1 and how it differs from type 2 but they have slipped it right in there to look like it’s caused by diet and lifestyle and a massive drain on the NHS too. As if the article isn’t bad enough the editors comments are even worse!!


    • #12992

      So many idiots, so little time. Email sent complaining about sloppy journalism and ignoring the facts to sensationalise a story.

    • #12993

      You put that so well Alison :)

    • #12998

      Why does Scotland have one of the highest Type 1 rates in the world? What is going on there? Is it the environment ? or the dreaded virus which upsets the bodies cells in producing insulin? We need to investigate this matter never mind obesity and lifestyle (sorry type2)

      The Diabetes UK ought to report in all the tabloids/newspapers the facts about type 1 and 2 and that unfortunately some type2’s are not obese and do lead active lifestyles. Genes I blame them.

    • #13000

      To be fair to Diabetes UK, their press releases are usually pretty clear about the facts. Sadly, “skinny diabetics with excellent exercise regimes and healthy diets cost NHS a fortune” doesn’t make such a good headline for lazy jouranlists.

      I’ve always wondered why Finland has such a high number of Type 1’s compared to the rest of Europe, it’s always seemed strange. There’s an interesting overview of the prevalence of Type 1 here – http://www.diabetesandenvironment.org/home/incidence – talking about the possible reasons why that might be the case – ranging from lack of sunlight, to the fact that some pollutants migrate towards the poles, therefore the further north you live, the more you’re exposed to them. There’s todays reason for moving somewhere warm and sunny!

    • #13009

      As a way of an apology they published a better article today featuring a CWD family, Anj, john Paul and Mitchell.


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