Great Support Group Meet.

Home Forums Living with type one Great Support Group Meet.

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    • #10070
      Peter Childs

      Just been to a local support group meeting. Finished a bit quickly. Speaker was someone from Diabetes UK South East, who told us about there new re-branding. which I have to say does not look bad even though I don’t always agree with re-branding as a rule, it seams only yesterday they were called the BDA…… And all the other stuff Diabetes Uk were currently up to.

      Seams that this group is still relatively new, and it looks like I’ve condemned my self to helping them out with a few “technical” stuff.

    • #13908

      All sounds good Peter – though that is the downside about going to groups you end up getting roped into stuff. I’m currently helping two different groups develop a web presence – apparently because I know something about the Intermaweb!

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