Diabetes etiquette

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    • #9985

      I just read an amazing email (full text here http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Mother-In-Law-Email-Carolyn-Bournes-Stern-Etiquette-Message-To-Heidi-Withers-Goes-Viral/Article/201106416021513?f=rss) that has been circulating on the interwebs ,with some interesting ideas on the etiquette of diabetes. I had never even considered that I might be being rude when discussing my condition, or *heaven forbid* having a hypo…

      “It is tragic that you have diabetes. However, you aren’t the only young person in the world who is a diabetic. I know quite a few young people who have this condition, one of whom is getting married in June. I have never heard her discuss her condition. She quietly gets on with it. She doesn’t like being diabetic. Who would? You do not need to regale everyone with the details of your condition or use it as an excuse to draw attention to yourself. It is vulgar. As a diabetic of long standing you must be acutely aware of the need to prepare yourself for extraordinary eventualities, the walk to Mothecombe beach being an example. You are experienced enough to have prepared yourself appropriately.”

      You heard the lady- just shut up and get on with it you vulgar lot!

    • #12815

      I listened to this on BBC 2 today where they had a good laugh & chuckle about how rude it was to ask for more food, and how we shouldn’t judge the mother in law as it showed a basic lack of manners.

      Now that link shows the diabetic comments which were excluded from the reporting and they are so relevant in this case. I am now considering writing an “annoyed of ascot” letter to the beeb explaining what journalism is & why bias is a bad thing, its the kind of thing i’d expect from the daily fail not a subsidised national broadcaster.

      On the plus side, at least there are forums like this so I don’t need to draw attention to myself in public!


    • #12817

      This uncouth Ladette should apologize to mum2be by giving her a bottle of port* laced with streptozotocin…and maybe some poop-pourri for the sake of Bomber (its name sounds like it may have the same problem as James Herriot’s flatulent patient, Cedric)

      *@hils: At Christmas, you were going to find out if port/dessert wine is a balanced drink (alcohol vs sugar)…is it?

    • #12818

      @Paul – I too feel that way.

      Annoyed from Bristol

    • #12820

      Gosh, doesn’t she sound awful. Could she really love her stepson? I wouldn’t be so rude to my son’s girlfriend as I love him and wouldn’t want to hurt him, or just make my home an uncomfortable place to be for either of them… there are so many more benefits to having a sense of humour and tolerance, they won’t be like this forever…

    • #12821

      I’ve always thought the good thing about diabetes is that you can manage it. The problem with a complete sense of humour bypass is it’s often impossible to cure and very difficult for other people to live with. I’m much rather be diabetic than have a personality like that mother-in-law!

    • #12822

      @ckoei- I have been merrily quaffing port and am pleased to announce that I have cured my diabetes! (ok, I’ve only had it once since, but my sugar was a magnificent 7 after a giant, indulgent meal avec dessert,so I still think the theory is valid…!)

    • #12823

      Excellent! I’ll remember to tipple some foppish sop when celebrating my 17th Dx-day on 26 August :)

    • #12828

      Interestingly enough, Port is the official drink of Shoot Up. It became this as whenever Alison and Geoff come to stay we seem to get through loads of it! That’s why it’s featured in the background of quite a few of our YouTube videos!

    • #12829

      @Tim I’m impressed you can identify that we get through greater volumes of port in comparison to the vast flagons of wine and beer we also manage to get through on ShootUp related trips north of the border! I’ll go with Port as our official drink though – it’s tasty and seems to be pretty blood sugar neutral. What more could I want?!

    • #12838

      WHAT??? You love Port too? S’my favourite drink! Howzat then?

      For some reason or other, i see to be able to drink more Port than any other ‘strong’ drink. And its sweetness helps with blood sugar lowering… and it’s DELICIOUS!!!

      But it doesn’t last very long.

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