Re: What do you carry your diabetes paraphernalia around in?

Home Forums Living with type one What do you carry your diabetes paraphernalia around in? Re: What do you carry your diabetes paraphernalia around in?

Annette A

Pump: on my belt. Testing kit: in its own little case (came with the meter) in my handbag. ‘Emergency kit’: (syringe, glucogel, spare battery etc): in a baby handbag (god knows who’d be able to use it as a real handbag, cant fit more than a mobile and a purse, let alone keys etc) inside my big handbag. Which, as it is a large bag (to carry all the other junk I seem to need regularly – food, spare bag in case I find something to buy :-), purse, lipsalve, notebook, etc etc etc) tends to end up with my husbands junk in it as well. The only plus pointbeing I therefore have total control of what his money is spent on…(and who by :-) )