Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions

Home Forums Living with type one Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions

Annette A

Does Medtronic have any form of discussions with the other pump manufacturers? (Particularly with regards to helping the consumer, ie the patients.) Or is it all very closed shop (beyond the obvious new technology that you want to get to market first so as to beat the competitors, nothing can be discussed, even once something is in the market.)
And, similar to Alison – why does Medtronic (and the others) not try to market itself better to the user? (As in, we can have a say in what therapy we use, so we can infkluence our providers, but I certainly didnt have any information before being given (yes, given, not chose) my current pump.)