The Internet and the web are wonderful inventions. Surely the apogee of their myriad delights is the ability to bore the hell out of people all around the world with your holiday snaps. Poor Sir Tim Berners-Lee would be turning in his grave (if he were, in fact, dead) if he could see his invention used for such drivel.
Anyway, with this in mind, the braver among you may wish to have a look at the edited pictures from the Roman Rumble over on our Flickr account. Gasp at our heroics! Gaze in awe at Roman ruins! Wonder at how two people could eat so much ice cream!
So for the full Technicolor IMAX experience click here Enjoy!
It’s also your final chance to chuck us a few doubloons if you haven’t already. We’re teetering on the edge of £1,000 – help us to get into four figures by clicking here – go on, you know you want to!
Raw power! Though your shapely pale calves could do with a good grill. I’m willing to provide you with some springbok horns and skimpy satanic shorts…
Hurrah! You’re back! Thanks for the shapely comment 🙂