Anyway, self-flagellation aside, let’s get on with the results; all of you seemed to be a nice, open lot with 34% telling their extended friends and work colleagues all about their diabetes and 30% boring for their country about the ‘betes. Good work!
14% were more reticent, only talking to close friends and family about their condition and 22% refused to answer the poll and expressed this by voting in the poll. This is what happens when you open up polls to the general Internet. *sigh*
Inspired by a recent and joyful hypo at 2am, this month we’re asking “How much does your partner help with hypos?”. Cast your vote over on the right hand side as usual.
Those results in full:
Extended friends and work colleagues (34%)
Everyone! I could bore for my country about it! (30%)
No one – I’m not even answering this poll (22%)
Only my close friends and family (14%)
I really enjoyed voting in this month’s poll. Cathartic. Thanks! Caroline
@Caroline – well quite! A three minute search on Google brings up a load of free, open source dating site software. So if there’s a demand for it, I’ll set up a somewhat-niche diabetes-friendly dating site. Shoot Up does matchmaking – brilliant! 😀
I’m with Caroline on the new poll…
I for one would use a diabetes based dating site (‘Shoot up and Hook up’?). If only for the amusement value. Do you think you’d get people with a ‘betes fetish joining? The internet has taught that it MUST exist… 😛
Shoot Up and Hook Up is genius, I love it
@neobrainless – Shoot Up and Hook Up *is* genuis! 😀
@neobrainless: LOL… though I’d prefer this site to remain the celibate haven its name suggests: “Shoo Tup or Put Up” (with subtitle “Drive off those rams, or you’ll bear lambs”)