Trying Veo and cgm…

Home Forums Living with type one Trying Veo and cgm…

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    • #9970

      Well, I’ve had it on me since – yesterday morning. Is it only that long? It seems MUCH longer! Well, the cgm I had since Tuesday afternoon, I set the pump up as well yesterday. I’ve already changed two things about my control and I have to admit I’m being won over.

      I’m comfortable, and even though I find the programming a bit ‘clunky’ in comparison to the Cosmo, it’s so much better than my last Minimed 508.

      I would miss the ‘time for a new reservoir set’ function, which you can set for as many days as you want, and also the ability to program in the insulin, (I did 50% before and 50% or less after) you take the pump off for a swim or shower or whatever.

      I find it awkward that it doesn’t read through my body, I find myself waking at night worrying if the pump is behind me if I’m on my side. And since I got lost sensor the first night in bed when I was only a foot away, I have hung it on the shower pole in the shower just in case!

      I would consider it if only the basal rate went down lower, I think it only goes down to 0.025 – this must be a problem for children etc – are they going to address this I wonder? I would really like one which went down to 0.01.

      My only big question would be, when is the next model due, as I’d hate to get one and find a newer model comes out just after.

    • #12571

      I’m not sure when there’s a new model due, the Veo is still pretty new – I think it was released last year.

    • #12572

      The new version of the Veo is still being designed as far as I know (which is very little!) I would expect it to be out in years rather than months (but I could be entirely wrong!)

    • #12573

      Alison, how far away do you have the pump when in the shower? Or bath…

    • #12574

      In the shower, it’s on the other side of the house in the bedroom because it doesn’t lose the sensor for 40 mins and I’m not in the shower for that long.

      In the bath, I tend to put it on the side next to me.

    • #12575

      Ah! That’s a relief! Thank you. Don’t need to worry then.

    • #12576

      You might have your “Lost sensor alarm” set for less than that though, so don’t be surprised if it alarms! You can change that. The device can store the data for up to 40mins, beyond that you need to do a blood test to get it going again.

    • #12577

      Is it called ‘weak signal’? If so, it’s set to 30 minutes, which seems like a good amount of time!

    • #12578

      Sorry, yes it is weak signal (can you believe I really was too lazy to remove the pump from my pocket to check it, I thought I knew!)

    • #12579

      Darn it, I thought I spent less than 30 minutes in the shower. And I so tell my son that he’s spending too much time in there! I shall have to apologise… it timed out!

      I have really muddled myself up today. In the garden, I noticed that there was a very long bubble in the tube. On my Cosmo I can just undo the line, go to ‘fill tubing’ in the change set mode and push some insulin through.

      But when I tried to do this with the Minimed it wouldn’t – I couldn’t get past rewind in the change set menu, and the fill cannula setting kept taking me to suspend pump. So in the end I set a 9u bolus, but then realised as it went through I was going to ruin my ‘insulin on board’ memory – and what’s more, I did ‘escape’ once the air bubble was out at 6u and re-attached, but instead of stopping the blous carried on and gave me 3u I don’t want!!

      Is there no way of getting rid of air bubbles without changing sets? And is there no way of stopping a bolus?

    • #12580

      To stop a bolus I press Act then Suspend then Resume

      To prime an air bubble out, disconnect the infusion set from your body (obviously) then go to Act, Prime, Fixed Prime and put in the number of units you want to push through.

      I’ve never had more than the tiniest of bubbles (like you could barely see them) but I know others have problems. Are you sure it was an air bubble? I find the tubing quite often gets marks on it that look like air bubbles, but don’t actually move and are in fact just where I’ve compressed the tubing by bending it and it’s bounced back but looks a different colour.

    • #12581

      Thanks Alison. Yes, it was a bubble, in fact two side by side, and they traveled through until they were out. About 3 inches in all.

      There is no option to ‘prime’ on mine. I press Act and I only have bolus, suspend,, capture event, basal, reservoir and set, utilities.

      R&S only has reservoir set up (which is what I tried) fill cannula and history.

      I may have to stop using this set after 3 days which is a shame as I only have two sets to last till next Weds when my DSN gets in more. hope I can make them last. They ARE very old, although in date – they are Sof-sets with a Paradigm top, they aren’t made any more. I’m thinking of trying something new next time!

      I’m beginning to think my Cosmo hasn’t been working properly as I’m much better controlled on this…

    • #12582

      3 inches of bubble that is, not traveling distance!!

    • #12583

      @lizz How are you getting on with the Veo/CGM in general?

    • #12585

      I can see that when the new sensors come out and they are only 5 minutes behind time with their readings, this will really help me.

      At the moment the readings are about 20 minutes behind, and Lola tells me about 15 minutes ahead of time, and my head is going fuzzy!

      It all feels very different from when I was using my own pump and a separate Minimed sensor. I found the sensor to be very irritating then – maybe it was because the machine was so big and clunky and having two machines on me was just too much.

      Most of the things the Minimed didn’t have which I missed, the Veo now has.

    • #12586

      Ah sorry, the settings on the Paradigm (which I have) and the newer Veo must be slightly different. It seems strange if there’s no way of doing a fixed prime though?

      Are the new sensors going to be only 5 mins behind? I don’t think I’ve heard that and I’m not sure how it’s possible. My understanding is that the 20min lag is caused by the interstitial fluid glucose levels being approx 20mins behind that of blood glucose levels, so it is a human body thing rather than a technology thing. I’d be delighted to be proved wrong on that one though!

    • #12587

      Well, I’ve been wondering that too Alison, because that was my understanding as well.

      But if the reason is that the small tip of the sensor couldn’t read the level easily in such a small sample of interstitial fluid (and presumably there will be less glucose in the fluid than in blood) then the greater surface area of the new sensors may make it more possible for them to be more accurate and more ‘real time’.

      Now I’m going to have to find out where I read that info…!

    • #12588

      @lizz Now that sounds interesting, would love to hear more if you find it!

    • #12590

      Just shot in a new sensor – boy are those needles long! I’m feeling rather proud of myself (ridiculous I know) but I managed it and only have to connect the signal thingy when the 15 mins are up and do the rest on the machine.

      Wish I could find that info Alison, it’s got me so irritated, I’ve looked through my health file, I’ll just have to do the searches I was doing when I found it, but it wasn’t on that subject if you know what I mean! It was incidental to what i was looking up, and for the life of me I can’t recall what that was, darn it!

      What I do know is I am using less insulin and getting much better control on this. So much so that instead of Lola alerting about 5 times a night and several times a day, she has only had to alert once, when we were on a walk on Sunday, my blood sugar dropped suddenly, I was chatting happily to someone, and OH noticed Lola was flinging herself at the back of my legs relentlessly, and then leaping up in front of me to get my attention, all completely ignored by slightly sugarless and deeply engrossed in conversation me!

    • #13759

      Hi all,
      I hope someone can shed some light on a problem we’re having. Out 11yo daughter has a Veo and Enlite for which we are very grateful. However, the CGM tells us that most nights she has very sudden, severe hypos followed by what we presume to be liver dumps resulting in his bs come morning.
      She could be on a BG of 10 and within 10-15 minutes her CGM shows <2.2 followed by an equally quick rise to perhaps 11 or more. We’ve tried everything we can think of.
      We’ve given her a supper of full fat milk & occasionally some cheese, sometimes with very low bolus to cover. We’ve dropped her basal from 10pm until 3am by more than 60% of that leading up to 10pm. We’ve monitored exercise to see if it was being caused by PEL (post-exercise late onset hypo) but it happens even when she’s had no exercise for days.
      Usually it happens between 12:30 and perhaps 2am but more recently it’s happened at 11:30 or 4:30. We’ve on occasion by luck ‘caught’ it by BG but the number we get is likely later than the actual event given the CGM is 10-15 behind so the BG shows something like 7.0. However, this continues to rise (Symogyi effect) as we prove with later BG tests.
      From my reading I’m beginning to think it might be thyroid related though her last bloods were clear. She does have celiacs already. Any help much appreciated,


    • #13760

      Hi John – welcome to Shoot Up!

      That does sound weird – I would have tried all the things you’ve already tried, so I’m at a bit of a loss. Though I wonder if anyone else has any ideas?

    • #13761

      Hi John, welcome.

      That’s a tough one. It sounds like you’re confident the CGM is reporting the correct figures as you’ve caught it on a BG sometimes, otherwise I’d be asking if you’d checked it was telling you the truth. I would continue as you’re doing, and would probably try reducing my basal a bit earlier, and then by a greater percentage if that didn’t work.

      Thinking about causes, given she’s 11, do you think it could be hormonal? Puberty caused massive BG changes for me. Is it happening all the time, or at certain points in the month – in young girls you sometimes can see the BG impact of the menstrual cycle months before it has started.

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