New Kid who’s stopped lurking to ask advice about life insurance

Home Forums Living with type one New Kid who’s stopped lurking to ask advice about life insurance

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    • #10113

      Hello everyone! I’m new. I’m raising my head above your (very entertaining) parapet to ask you all what advice you’d give about finding a life insurance policy. Me and Him Indoors (who’s a Type Onner) need to get a policy to cover a mortgage. I’m guessing that someone else here must have been in the same position, so any hints would be really gratefully received, to help reduce the premium to below the GDP of Botswana.
      Thanks a lot!

    • #14263

      Welcome to Shoot Up!

      Interestingly enough I’ve never been asked to get life insurance to secure a mortgage (actually “standard security” as I’m in Scotland). I would question whether you need it at all and if the provider does insist on it then I would say you’ll arrange it through someone that’s not them.

      But that really doesn’t answer your question. Uhm, I dunno. Someone else will be able to help! :-)

    • #14264

      Hi @silvergirl welcome! I fear it may be too late – all financial related diabetes negotiations should have taken place before you settled down with the man with the broken pancreas – see here

      I’m afraid I’m not much use beyond that particularly unhelpful article. My life insurance comes through work so I’ve never had the nightmare of arguing with insurance companies about how likely I am to drop dead tomorrow. Hopefully someone else on here will have though…

    • #14265

      @alison – out of interest did your mortgage provider ask you to get life insurance?

      I like the way Shoot Up has now become Moneybox Live… :-)

    • #14266

      @Tim No, they didn’t.

    • #14267

      @Alison – Did they miss-sell you PPI? ;-)

    • #14268

      They wouldn’t dare. Shall I post my full financial situation on here and you can give a check over for me? A new ShootUp service, ShootUporGoBroke ;)

    • #14269

      If we were going to branch into something else I’ve always fancied getting into dodgy diabetes-related no-win no-fee personal injury cases. “Have you been traumatised by being stared at while injecting in public? Then Shoot Up can help! We’ve helped diabetics claim back £££££££’s in traumatic being-stared-at cases!”

      Or something.

    • #14270

      Thanks all so far. I should clarify, no specifically asked for the insurance, it’s more the ‘what if you get hit by a bus’ situation. There a specialist Diabo insurer, I might get him to try that and see what gives. For the record, I’m sure you’ll all be chuffed to hear that one broker basically said you could forget about getting any critical illness cover. Marvellous.
      (ps I wish someone would mis-sell me PPI,I could do with some tax-free-compo ;^))

    • #14274

      Hi @silvergirl,
      I recently managed to get life insurance and critical illness cover (despite being T1). The premium wasn’t the size of Botswana’s GDP either, but they did exclude cover on all possible diabetes complications for the critical illness cover: limb amputation, all things cardio-vascular, diabetes mellitus (yep, it was still in their list!), kidney disease, blindness etc. My partner kindly pointed out that if we’d bought 14 months ago, my diagnosis would have sorted out our mortgage… but at least with this I’m covered for things like cancer and another 1/3 of the diseases they didn’t exclude. We went through our financial advisor for it, and he said my doctor must have written a glowing report, but the company is called Friends Life. Hope they can sort you out too.

    • #14282

      Ooh, thanks for that. We just spent a very depressing half hour going through a quotation form online, they went into all the ins and outs of a frog’s bumhole just to go “Sorry, if you think we’re insuring you mate you’ve got another thing coming…” The lad is going to phone Friends Life tomorrow to see what they say so again, thank you.

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