Reply To: Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet

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When I last been to the diabetologist, she said I should try an extra 2 units of Lantus. To me it was evident to try it and it failed, and I wouldn’t waste the doctors time unless I have tried everything I can with the tools I have. I did Google what could be a solution, and than I’ve checked it in some reputable books. But the diabetologist didn’t seem to understand what I was talking about, so I showed her on my Kindle. It turned out she’s never even heard of it, that’s why she didn’t get what I was talking about.

Why did the diabetologist think I need her ‘permission’ for 1-2 extra units of Lantus? Should I make it clear next time, that I am sitting there if such things failed? Do I need to tell them, that I know how to do slight adjustments to doses, spot patterns, etc. She’s even asked if I carb count, I thought it’s evident.

Also, I am a little worried, cause she said she never tried this combinations of insulins for dawn effect (or for anything,) and it seems the rest of the team has not heard of it either. (It’s on Diabetes Support Forum UK, so it shouldn’t be such an alien.)
I am going to see my nurse next week, who gave great advice so far, but I don’t want to have a bad hypo instead of a dawn effect while I am asleep. I wonder if I should just ask at DSF who exactly had this treatment, and rather go by there advice?

I know I’ve gone off topic a little, but as this appointment is coming up I am getting more worried, just don’t want to be labeled as ‘pain in the **** patient’ and don’t get any more proper advice.