Re: New Diabetes Dietitian – give me the benefit of your experience

Home Forums Living with type one New Diabetes Dietitian – give me the benefit of your experience Re: New Diabetes Dietitian – give me the benefit of your experience


Congratulations @lolablogger that’s great news. For the first time in 30 years I found a use for a dietician recently – I was concerned that eating only porridge, fruit and boiled eggs probably wasn’t a very balanced diet for a pregnant woman, but it was all I could keep down and I actually had quite an informative chat with my dietician about it. I’m sure this pattern will continue and look forward to another useful chat with one when I’m in my 60’s ;)

I’ve always found dieticians to be a little obsessed with the need to eat carbs, and a bit lacking in awareness that actually eating fewer of them can help at times. I suspect even thinking such a thing may get you kicked out of the national school for dieticians though!

Good luck with the new job, the fact that you have a sense of humour and some concept of what people with diabetes talk about in the real world should put you streets ahead of a lot of your colleagues :)